Carl-von-Ossietzky-Str. 9-11
26129 Oldenburg

W03 2-227 (" Address and site plan)

+49 441 798-3601

by appointment

Dr. Michael Peetz

Short vita

  • since 02/2022: Research assistant, Didactics of Chemistry, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
  • 08/2020 - 02/2022: Traineeship for the teaching profession at the grammar school at the Studienseminar Oldenburg.
  • 05/2019: Completion of the doctorate. Title of the dissertation "Evaluation of student perceptions with the help of animations. The dissolving process of sugar and salt in water."
  • 10/2015 - 07/2020: Research assistant and doctoral candidate, Didactics of Chemistry, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
  • 10/2010 - 10/2015: Teacher training (mathematics and chemistry) at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg


  • Peetz, M. & Pietzner, V. (2017): Evaluation of students' conceptions of dissolving sugar in water using animation software. In Maurer, C. (ed.) Quality chemistry and physics teaching - normative and empirical dimensions. Society for Didactics of Chemistry and Physics Annual Conference in Regensburg 2017 (Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik, Vol. 38, pp. 436-439).
  • Peetz, M. & Pietzner, V. (2018): Evaluation of students' understanding of dissolving sugar using an animation software. ESERA-Conference 2017, eProceedings.

Lectures, workshops & important work


  • Peetz, M. & Pietzner, V. (2016): Evaluation of the understanding of selected chemical concepts with computer animations. (Poster) GDCh Annual Meeting 2016, Hannover.


  • Peetz, M. & Pietzner, V. (2016): Creation of an interactive learning unit on the citrate cycle (presentation) MNU conference 2016, Bremerhaven.
  • Peetz, M. & Pietzner, V. (2017): Evaluation of students' understanding of dissolving sugar using an animation software. (Presentation) ESERA-Conference 2017, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Peetz, M. & Verena, V. (2017): Evaluation of students' conceptions of dissolving sugar in water. (Presentation) GDCP Annual Conference, Regensburg, Germany.
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