Study Coordinator

Dr. Iva Bacic

W3 01-173 (» Adress and map)

Innovative Teaching and Study Concepts

Inquiry-based Learning: Photochemical Reactions in Inorganic Chemistry



As part of the module che420: Research Internship in Inorganic Chemistry, the concept of inquiry-based learning is implemented.

Dr. Lena Albers (working group of Prof. Thomas Müller) will focus on developing inquiry-based learning for the area of radiation-matter interaction and photochemistry in the summer semester of 2024. Students enrolled in the Master's program in Chemistry will explore and analyze the handling of air- and oxygen-sensitive substances under inert conditions, as well as reaction rates, product formation, and product characterization using spectroscopic methods in the laboratories of the Institute of Chemistry. They will have the opportunity to experience the entire cycle of inquiry-based learning and:

  • engage with current research literature: This involves locating relevant literature, critically reviewing it, and thereby becoming familiar with the latest developments in inorganic photochemistry.
  • developing their own research question in this field, selecting appropriate research methods, and preparing the laboratory setup.
  • applying the chosen method and conducting experiments.
  • observing chemical phenomena in the laboratory and interpreting the results accurately.
  • learning to express themselves academically: Presenting the project idea briefly at the beginning of the module during the working group seminar of Prof. Müller's research group, summarizing the work done including the obtained results in a final report, and presenting it in a 20-minute presentation within the research group.

Here, of course, the principles of good scientific practice are followed. Thus, this module provides a space where questioning and skepticism can be tested and learned, and where one's own results are generated and analyzed to draw scientifically sound conclusions.

The endeavor is supported by forschen@studium, a programme aimed at promoting activities related to inquiry-based learning at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg.

As part of the project, funds are provided for the acquisition of LED UV lamps with radiation of precisely defined wavelengths and for the employment of an assistant (holding a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry) who will be responsible for the setup of a photochemical reactor apparatus and conducting initial test experiments within the project. The same individual will then utilize this photochemical reactor for further research activities within the framework of the module CHE420: Research Internship in Inorganic Chemistry in the M.Sc. Chemistry programme.



UV lamps emit light in the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This light has a shorter wavelength and higher energy than visible light, thus enabling specific photochemical reactions. UV lamps provide intense, wavelength-specific UV radiation necessary for selective photochemical processes. The project focuses on issues in current main group chemistry as well as photochemical reactions in inorganic and organometallic molecules: On one hand, new reaction pathways for the synthesis of target compounds that would otherwise not occur or only under harsh conditions with many by-products are sought. On the other hand, UV radiation of specific wavelengths is required for the synthesis of metal complexes, which in turn are to be used for investigating the electronic situations and reactivity of new compounds.

Thus, the use of UV lamps enables the redirection of projects in research internships in the Master's program in Chemistry towards sustainable photochemistry.

Explorative Learning: The Campus Garden – A Multi-Perspective Learning and Working Environment

  • Markus Allbauer-Jürgensen  is a staff member at the Institute for Economic Education in Faculty II – Computer Science, Business and Law.  
  • Svenja Jessen is a staff member at the Institute for Material Culture in Faculty III – Language and Cultural Studies.
  • Dr. Michael Peetz is a staff member at the Institute of Chemistry in Faculty V – Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
  • Dr. Birgit Weusmann is a staff member at the Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences in Faculty V – Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Zusammen haben sie ein neues Modul konzipiert , das zum ersten Mal im WiSe2023/2024 im Professionalisierungsprogramm für Studierende mit dem Berufsziel Lehramt / Zwei-Fächer-Bachelor-Studiengang angeboten wurde und welches auch in diesem SoSe2024 erfolgreich gestartet hat. Im Fokus des Moduls steht das Querschnittsthema Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) mit einem praktischen Bezug zum CampusGarten* auf dem Gelände der Universität. Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung ist das Leitkonzept u.a. für Nutz- und Zierpflanzenbau auf dem Unigelände, hier stellvertretend für Schulgarten bzw. Schulgelände, die als Lernraum für den Umgang mit natürlichen Ressourcen, unseren Mitgeschöpfen sowie Mitmenschen dienen. Die Herkunft unserer Lebens- und Genussmittel sowie weiterer Pflanzenprodukte werden unter BNE-Perspektive und damit auch interdisziplinär betrachtet.

Together, they have designed a new module, pb423 - The CampusGarden - a mutlifaceted learning and working environment, which was offered for the first time in the winter semester 2023/2024 as part of the professionalisation programme for students aiming for a teaching profession / dual-subject Bachelor's degree. This module also successfully commenced in the summer semester of 2024. The module focuses on the interdisciplinary theme of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) with a practical connection to the Campus Garden* on the university grounds. Education for Sustainable Development serves as the guiding concept for, among other things, the cultivation of edible and ornamental plants on the university campus, representing school gardens or school grounds as learning spaces for managing natural resources, and interacting with other living beings and fellow humans. The origins of our food, beverages, and other plant products are examined from an ESD perspective and thus also interdisciplinary.

* The Campus Garden on the university grounds is an initiative of the student body under the AStA Sustainability Department. It was established in early 2022 and has since been managed exclusively by students.

Forschendes Lernen als Grundstein des Seminars im Rahmen des Moduls pb423

In designing the module and its associated seminar, the focus was placed on research-based learning. The students not only cultivate garden produce themselves and engage with the opportunities and challenges of working on school grounds: in self-developed and presented projects, they can also demonstrate the application of specific fertilisation methods, decomposition processes, and the tracing of production and transport processes. However, since the students are still in their Bachelor's studies, completely independent research is not a requirement for passing the module. By not assigning grades, individual levels of experience in the interdisciplinary approach can be taken into account.

The planned structure of the seminar is as follows:

  • In an introductory session, the students are introduced to the Campus Garden and are given an overview of potential research fields. During a brainstorming phase, they formulate research questions, which are then discussed and refined collectively. Following this, the students are assigned to small groups (2-3 individuals) based on the topics.
  • Framed by selected inputs on the subject areas, the students begin designing their investigations, which are subsequently presented and discussed in an interim presentation. During this phase, as well as throughout the research process, they are each assigned to specific lecturers (acting as mentors). The investigation designs are not required to be followed rigidly but can be adjusted to new insights and circumstances as the research progresses. Research is conducted in various locations such as the garden, laboratory, or other relevant sites. Depending on the research questions, a variety of methodologies can be combined, including scientific experiments, aesthetic approaches, and other research methods.
  • For the final presentation of their research, students choose an appropriate format. This could be a traditional written report or a poster, but films and exhibition objects can also be produced and presented during a guided tour. Ultimately, the research is reflected upon in the context of the students' future teaching careers.








The project is supported by forschen@studium, a programme dedicated to promoting activities related to research-based learning at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. As part of the project, funds are provided for hiring assistants to offer organisational support during the implementation of the module.

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(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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