
Head of division

Prof. Dr. Bernd T. Meyer

+49 441 798 3280

W2 2-260

Administrative Support

Jessica Jurado Garcia

+49 441 798 3003

+49 441 798 3902

W2 1-169

Postal address

Communication Acoustistic, Fk. VI
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany

How to find us



The group Communication Acoustics is involved in the classes described below. These cover speech processing (Bachelor level: winter semester, Master level: summer semester), measurement technology as well as our seminar. Slides, scripts, exercise sheets, and sample solutions can be found on Stud.IP for the following classes:

  • Seminar Communication Acoustics (5.04.4201)
  • Speech Processing (Bachelor level: 5.04.318, Master level: 5.04.4027)
  • Physikalische Messtechnik (5.04.231) 

For the course measurement technology, we have put together a couple of Arduino projects. One example is a low-cost temperature monitor for your home, which is described here. In the lecture Messtechnik, students can choose to do a practical project and do nerdy stuff, which is usually a lot of fun. A couple of previous student projects are shown below.

Student projects

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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