
Head of division

Prof. Dr. Bernd T. Meyer

+49 441 798 3280

W2 2-260

Administrative Support

Jessica Jurado Garcia

+49 441 798 3003

+49 441 798 3902

W2 1-169

Postal address

Communication Acoustistic, Fk. VI
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany

How to find us

Bernd T. Meyer


Bernd T. Meyer


Prof. Dr. Bernd T. Meyer 

Communication Acoustics and Cluster of Excellence Hearing4all
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany

Phone: +49 (441) 798 3280
Fax: +49 (441) 798 3902
Office location: W2 2-260 (
Email: bernd dot meyer at


Research Interests

  • The combination of machine learning and speech research
  • Auditory feature extraction for automatic speech recognition (ASR)
  • Using machine listening for modeling human speech perception
  • Comparison of human and automatic speech recognition
  • Application of machine listening in neuropsychology 
  • Application of novel feature concepts on tasks in speech research (e.g., speech activity detection or speaker recognition)


  • Speech-controlled automated matrix test (DFG knowledge transfer project with HörTech gGmbH, 2018-2021)
  • Cluster of excellence Hearing4all
  • The Active Auditory System (Sonderforschungsbereich SFB/TRR 31), subproject "Complex auditory features for robust ASR and models of human speech perception" (until 2017)
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