Boardgame "Spinglas OR my Party!"

Boardgame "Spinglas OR my Party!"

Board game "Spinglas or my Party!"

 Working on spin glasses it not just research but also fun. For this reason we have developed the two player strategic board game "Spinglas or my Party!".
Bild Understand the nature of spin glasses or other complex optimization problems, like organizing a party, by playing this board game! The main target is to choose the favorite orientations of the spins/party guest and their interactions such that each player maximizes the number of spins/party guest exhibiting the orientation of the player, respectively. Via some additional action cards you can increase the number of strategic operations.
Spinglas board game Currently, the game instructions which come with the game are in German. English instructions are available here for free download (including the possibility to print the board, the pieces and the cards to produce a copy pf the game yourself): the spin glass version and the party version.
In April 2014, an interview with the author about the game (in German) appeared in the "Physik Journal", the member journal of the German Physical Society.
You can order the professionally produced game for 14.50 Euros (p&p, depending on the country) by sending an email to the publisher  at the P&S shop of the University of Oldenburg, or (NEW) directly via amazon.

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