Prof. Dr. Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog (i.R.)


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Prof. Dr. Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog (i.R.)

Curriculum Vitae

1974-1979 study of informatics, mathematics and logics at the University of Kiel
1979 diploma degree in informatics
1981 Ph.D. in computer science
1981-1983 Programming Research Group at Oxford University
1984-1989 Various research visits in Amsterdam, Edinburgh, Yorktown Heights, and Saarbrücken
1989 Habilitation for computer science
1989-1994 Associate professor of computer science at the University of Oldenburg
since 1994 Full professor of computer science at the University of Oldenburg
1994-1999 Leibniz Award of the German Research Council (DFG)

Chairman of IFIP Working Group 2.2 on Formal Description of Programming Concepts

2000-2014 Managing Editor Acta Informatica
2012 Member of Academia Europaea
since 2012 Director of DFG Research Training Group SCARE

Dean of Faculty II


  • K. R. Apt, F. S. de Boer, and E. -R. Olderog, Verification of Sequential and Concurrent Programs, 3rd Edition, Springer-Verlag.
  • E. -R. Olderog and H. Dierks, Real-Time Systems --- Formal Specification and Automatic Verification -- Errata: see below, Cambridge University Press.
  • [book] bibtex
    K. -R. Apt and E. -R. Olderog, Verification of Sequential and Concurrent Programs. 2nd ed., springer.
  • [book] bibtex
    K. R. Apt and E. -R. Olderog, Programmverifikation, springer.
  • E. -R. Olderog, Nets, Terms and Formulas: Three Views of Concurrent Processes and Their Relationship, Cambridge University Press.


Errata for the book Real-Time Systems --- Formal Specification and Automatic Verification: Errata-Real-Time_Systems.pdf


  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Go to document
    B. Finkbeiner and E. Olderog, "Concurrent Hyperproperties" in Proc. Theories of Programming and Formal Methods - Essays Dedicated to Jifeng He on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday, 2023.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-40436-8_8
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    B. Finkbeiner, M. Gieseking, J. Hecking-Harbusch, and E. Olderog, "Global Winning Conditions in Synthesis of Distributed Systems with Causal Memory" in Proc. 30th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic, CSL 2022, February 14-19, 2022, Göttingen, Germany (Virtual Conference), 2022.
    doi: 10.4230/LIPIcs.CSL.2022.20
  • [incollection] bibtex | Go to document
    K. R. Apt and E. -R. Olderog, Nondeterminism and Guarded CommandsACM / Morgan & Claypool.
    doi: 10.1145/3544585.3544595
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    P. Hannibal and E. -R. Olderog, "The Synthesis Problem for Repeatedly Communicating Petri Games" in Proc. Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency - 43rd International Conference, PETRI NETS 2022, Bergen, Norway, June 19-24, 2022, Proceedings, 2022.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-06653-5_13
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    B. Finkbeiner, M. Gieseking, J. H. -, and E. -R. Olderog, "Global Winning Conditions in Synthesis of Distributed Systems with Causal Memory" in Proc. 30th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic, CSL 2022, February 14-19, 2022, Göttingen, Germany (Virtual Conference), 2022.
    doi: 10.4230/LIPIcs.CSL.2022.20
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    C. Bischopink and E. -R. Olderog, "Spatial and Timing Properties in Highway Traffic" in Proc. Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2022 - 19th International Colloquium, Tbilisi, Georgia, September 27-29, 2022, Proceedings, 2022.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-17715-6_9
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    K. R. Apt and E. Olderog, Assessing the Success and Impact of Hoare's Logic.
    doi: 10.1145/3477355.3477359
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    M. Gieseking and E. Olderog, "High-Level Representation of Benchmark Families for Petri Games" in Proc. Model Checking, Synthesis, and Learning - Essays Dedicated to Bengt Jonsson on The Occasion of His 60th Birthday, 2021.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-91384-7_7
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    E. Olderog, B. Steffen, and W. Yi, "Model Checking, Synthesis, and Learning" in Proc. Model Checking, Synthesis, and Learning - Essays Dedicated to Bengt Jonsson on The Occasion of His 60th Birthday, 2021.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-91384-7_1
  • E. Olderog, M. Fränzle, O. E. Theel, and P. Kröger, "System correctness under adverse conditions" it Inf. Technol. vol. 63, iss. 5-6.
    doi: 10.1515/itit-2021-0043
  • B. Finkbeiner, M. Gieseking, J. Hecking-Harbusch, and E. Olderog, "AdamMC: A Model Checker for Petri Nets with Transits against Flow-LTL (Full Version)" CoRR, vol. abs/2005.07130.
  • B. Finkbeiner, M. Gieseking, J. Hecking-Harbusch, and E. Olderog, "Model Checking Branching Properties on Petri Nets with Transits (Full Version)" CoRR, vol. abs/2007.07235.
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    B. Finkbeiner, M. Gieseking, J. Hecking-Harbusch, and E. Olderog, "Model Checking Branching Properties on Petri Nets with Transits" in Proc. Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis - 18th International Symposium, ATVA 2020, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 19-23, 2020, Proceedings, 2020.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-59152-6_22
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    B. Finkbeiner, M. Gieseking, J. Hecking-Harbusch, and E. Olderog, "AdamMC: A Model Checker for Petri Nets with Transits against Flow-LTL" in Proc. Computer Aided Verification - 32nd International Conference, CAV 2020, Los Angeles, CA, USA, July 21-24, 2020, Proceedings, Part II, 2020.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-53291-8_5
  • M. Gieseking, E. Olderog, and N. Würdemann, "Solving high-level Petri games" Acta Inf. vol. 57, iss. 3-5.
    doi: 10.1007/s00236-020-00368-5
  • M. Gieseking and E. Olderog, "High-Level Representation of Benchmark Families for Petri Games" CoRR, vol. abs/1904.05621.
  • B. Finkbeiner, M. Gieseking, J. Hecking-Harbusch, and E. Olderog, "Model Checking Data Flows in Concurrent Network Updates (Full Version)" CoRR, vol. abs/1907.11061.
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    B. Finkbeiner, M. Gieseking, J. Hecking-Harbusch, and E. Olderog, "Model Checking Data Flows in Concurrent Network Updates" in Proc. Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis - 17th International Symposium, ATVA 2019, Taipei, Taiwan, October 28-31, 2019, Proceedings, 2019.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-31784-3_30
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    E. -R. Olderog, "Space for Traffic Manoeuvres -- An Overview" in Proc. Symposium on Real-Time and Hybrid Systems, 2018.
  • B. Finkbeiner and E. -R. Olderog, "Petri Games: Synthesis of Distributed Systems with Causal Memory" Information and Computation, vol. 253, Part 2.
  • G. v. Bochmann, M. Hilscher, S. Linker, and E. -R. Olderog, "Synthesizing and Verifying Controllers for Multi-lane Traffic Maneuvers" Formal Aspects of Computing, vol. 29, iss. 4.
    doi: 10.1007/s00165-017-0424-4
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    E. -R. Olderog, A.P.Ravn, and R. Wisniewski, Linking Discrete and Dynamic Models: Applied to Traffic ManoevresSpringer.
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    E. -R. Olderog and M. Schwammberger, "Formalising a Hazard Warning Communication Protocol with Timed Automata" in Proc. Models, Algorithms, Logics and Tools, 2017.
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    B. Finkbeiner, M. Gieseking, J. Hecking-Harbusch, and E. Olderog, "Symbolic vs. Bounded Synthesis for Petri Games" in Proc. Proceedings Sixth Workshop on Synthesis, SYNT@CAV 2017, Heidelberg, Germany, 22nd July 2017, 2017.
    doi: 10.4204/EPTCS.260.5
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    B. Engelmann and E. Olderog, "A Sound and Complete Hoare Logic for Dynamically-Typed, Object-Oriented Programs" in Proc. Proc. Theory and Practice of Formal Methods, 2016.
  • E. -R. Olderog and M. Swaminathan, "Structural Transformations for Data-Enriched Real-Time Systems" Formal Asp. Comput. vol. 27.
  • B. Engelmann, E. -R. Olderog, and N. Flick, Closing the Gap -- Formally Verifying Dynamically Typed Programs like Statically Typed Ones Using Hoare Logic.
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    E. -R. Olderog, A. P. Ravn, and R. Wisniewski, "Linking Spatial and Dynamic Models for Traffic Maneuvers" in Proc. 54th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), Osaka, Japan, 2015.
    doi: 10.1109/CDC.2015.7403292
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    G. v. Bochmann, M. Hilscher, S. Linker, and E. Olderog, "Synthesizing Controllers for Multi-Lane Traffic Maneuvers" in Proc. International Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering (SETTA), 2015.
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    B. Finkbeiner, M. Gieseking, and E. Olderog, "Adam: Causality-Based Synthesis of Distributed Systems" in Proc. Computer Aided Verification - 27th International Conference, CAV 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA, July 18-24, 2015, Proceedings, Part I, 2015.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Go to document
    B. Finkbeiner and E. -R. Olderog, "Petri Games: Synthesis of Distributed Systems with Causal Memory" in Proc. Proceedings Fifth International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics and Formal Verification, GandALF 2014, Verona, Italy, September 10-12, 2014., 2014.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Hilscher, S. Linker, and E. -R. Olderog, "Proving Safety of Traffic Manoeuvres on Country Roads" in Proc. Theories of Programming and Formal Methods, 2013.
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    E. -R. Olderog and M. Swaminathan, "Structural Transformations for Data-Enriched Real-Time Systems" in Proc. Integrated Formal Methods (iFM), 2013.
  • [article] bibtex
    K. R. Apt, F. S. de Boer, E. -R. Olderog, and S. de Gouw, "Verification of object-oriented programs: A transformational approach" J Computer System Sciences, vol. 78.
  • [article] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog and R. Wilhelm, "Turing und die Verifikation" Informatik-Spektrum, vol. 35, iss. 4.
  • M. Swaminathan, J. -P. Katoen, and E. -R. Olderog, "Layered Reasoning for randomized distributed algorithms" Formal Asp. Comput. vol. 24, iss. 4-6.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog, "Automatic Verification of Real-Time Systems with Rich Data -- An Overview" in Proc. Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC), 2012.
  • J. Faber, S. Linker, E. Olderog, and J. Quesel, "Syspect - Modelling, Specifying, and Verifying Real-Time Systems with Rich Data" International Journal of Software and Informatics, vol. 5, iss. 1-2.
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    M. Hilscher, S. Linker, E. -R. Olderog, and A. P. Ravn, "An Abstract Model for Proving Safety of Multi-Lane Traffic Manoeuvres" in Proc. Int'l Conf. on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM), 2011.
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    J. Hoenicke, E. -R. Olderog, and A. Podelski, "Fairness for Dynamic Control" in Proc. Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), 2010.
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    E. -R. Olderog and A. Podelski, "Explicit Fair Scheduling for Dynamic Control" in Proc. Concurrency, Compositionality, and Correctness, 2010.
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    J. Hoenicke, R. Meyer, and E. -R. Olderog, "Kleene, Rabin, and Scott Are Available" in Proc. CONCUR 2010 - Concurrency Theory (CONCUR), 2010.
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    E. -R. Olderog and M. Swaminathan, "Layered Composition for Timed Automata" in Proc. Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS), 2010.
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    E. -R. Olderog and R. Meyer, "Automata-theoretic verification based on counterexample specification" in Proc. Informatik als Dialog zwischen Theorie und Anwendung, 2009.
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    K. R. Apt, F. S. de Boer, and E. -R. Olderog, "Modular Verification of Recursive Programs" in Proc. Languages: From Formal to Natural, 2009.
  • [article] bibtex
    M. Möller, E. -R. Olderog, H. Rasch, and H. Wehrheim, "Integrating a Formal Method into a Software Engineering Process with UML and Java" Formal Apsects of Computing, vol. 20.
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    E. -R. Olderog, "Automatic Verification of Combined Specifications" in Proc. Proc. of the 1st Internat. Workshop on Harnessing Theories for Tool Support in Software (TTSS 2007), Macau, 2008.
  • [article] bibtex
    B. Becker, A. Podelski, W. Damm, M. Fränzle, E. -R. Olderog, and R. Wilhelm, "SFB/TR 14 AVACS -- Automatic Verification and Analysis of Complex Systems" it -- Information Technology, vol. 49, iss. 2.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    D. Basin, E. -R. Olderog, and P. E. Sevinç, "Specifying and analyzing security automata using CSP-OZ" in Proc. Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2007), 2007.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, A. Mikschl, J. Oehlerking, E. Olderog, J. Pang, A. Platzer, M. Segelken, and B. Wirtz, "Automating Verification of Cooperation, Control, and Design in Traffic Applications." in Proc. Formal Methods and Hybrid Real-Time Systems, 2007.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-75221-9_6
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog and B. Steffen, "Formale Semantik und Programmverifikation" in Proc. Informatik-Handbuch, 4. Auflage, 2006.
  • [article] bibtex
    W. Damm, H. Hungar, and E. -R. Olderog, "Verification of cooperating traffic agents" International Journal of Control, vol. 79, iss. 5.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    P. E. Sevinç, D. Basin, and E. -R. Olderog, "Controlling Access to Documents: A Formal Access Control Model" in Proc. ETRICS 2006, 2006.
  • [article] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog and H. Wehrheim, "Specification and (property) inheritance in CSP-OZ" Science of Computer Programming, vol. 55.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, H. Hungar, and E. -R. Olderog, "On the Verification of Cooperating Traffic Agents" in Proc. FMCO 2003: Formal Methods for Components and Objects, 2004.
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    M. Möller, E. -R. Olderog, H. Rasch, and H. Wehrheim, "Linking CSP-OZ with UML and Java: A Case Study" in Proc. Integrated Formal Methods, 2004.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog and H. Wehrheim, "Specification and Inheritance in CSP-OZ" in Proc. Formal Methods for Components and Objects, 2003.
  • [article] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog and H. Dierks, "Moby/RT: A Tool for Specification and Verification of Real-Time Systems" Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 9.
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    H. Dierks and E. -R. Olderog, "Temporale Spezifikationslogiken" at-Automatisierungstechnik, vol. 51, iss. 2.
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    J. Hoenicke and E. -R. Olderog, "CSP-OZ-DC: A Combination of Specification Techniques for Processes, Data and Time" Nordic Journal of Computing, vol. 9, iss. 4.
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    J. Hoenicke and E. -R. Olderog, "Combining Specification Techniques for Processes Data and Time" in Proc. Integrated Formal Methods, 2002.
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    M. Broy and E. -R. Olderog, "Trace-Oriented Models of Concurrency" in Proc. Handbook of Process Algebra, 2001.
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    C. Fischer, E. -R. Olderog, and H. Wehrheim, "A CSP view on UML-RT structure diagrams" in Proc. Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 2001.
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    E. -R. Olderog and A. P. Ravn, "Documenting Design Refinement" in Proc. Proc. of the Third Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Practice, 2000.
  • [article] bibtex
    E.-R.Olderog, "Sichere Bahnsteuerungen" Log IN, iss. 1.
  • M. Schenke and E. -R. Olderog, "Transformational design of real-time systems -- Part 1: from requirements to program specifications." Acta Informatica 36.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog, "Correct Real-Time Software for Programmable Logic Controllers" in Proc. Correct System Design - Recent Insights and Advances, 1999.
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    E. -R. Olderog, "Entwicklung korrekter zeitkritischer Systeme" in Proc. Formale Beschreibungstechniken für verteilte Systeme, 1999.
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    B. Krieg-Brückner, J. Peleska, E. -R. Olderog, and A. Baer, "The UniForM Workbench, a Universal Development Environment for Formal Methods" in Proc. FM'99 -- Formal Methods, 1999.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog, "Formal Methods in Real-Time Systems" in Proc. Proceedings of the 10th EuroMicro Workshop on Real Time Systems, 1998.
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    V. Grabowski, C. Dietz, and E. -R. Olderog, "Semantics for Timed Message Sequence Charts via Constraint Diagrams" in Proc. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop of the SDL Forum Society on SDL and MSC, 1998.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog and H. Dierks, "Decomposing Real-Time Specifications" in Proc. Compositionality: The Significant Difference, 1998.
  • [article] bibtex
    C. Fischer, S. Kleuker, and E. -R. Olderog, "Beweisbar korrekte Telekommunikationssysteme" Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik, vol. 3.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog, A. P. Ravn, and J. U. Skakkebæk, Refining System Requirements to Program SpecificationsWiley.
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    E. -R. Olderog and M. Schenke, "Design of Real-Time Systems: The Interface between Duration Calculus and Program Specifications" in Proc. Structures in Concurrency Theory, 1995.
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    J. He, C. A. R. Hoare, M. Fränzle, M. Müller-Olm, E. -R. Olderog, M. Schenke, M. R. Hansen, A. P. Ravn, and H. Rischel, "Provably Correct Systems" in Proc. Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems (FTRTFT'94), 1994.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. P. Bowen, M. Fränzle, E. -R. Olderog, and A. P. Ravn, "Developing Correct Systems" in Proc. Proceedings of the 5th EUROMICRO Workshop on Real-Time Systems (Oulu, Finland), 1993.
  • [techreport] bibtex | Go to document
    M. R. Hansen, E. -R. Olderog, M. Schenke, M. Fränzle, B. von Karger, M. Müller-Olm, and H. Rischel, "A Duration Calculus Semantics for Real-Time Reactive Systems" uniol-fb10, ProCoS II document [OLD MRH 1/1], 1993.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog and S. Rössig, "A Case Study in Transformational Design of Concurrent Systems" in Proc. Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT'93), 1993.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog, Systematic derivation of communicating programsspringer.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog, "Interfaces between Languages for Communicating Systems" in Proc. Automata, Languages and Programming. Proceedings of the 19th ICALP 1992, 1992.
  • [article] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog, "Correctness of Concurrent Processes" tcs, vol. 80.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    K. R. Apt and E. -R. Olderog, Introduction to Program Verificationspringer.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog and K. R. Apt, "Using transformations to verify parallel programs" in Proc. Algebraic Methods II: Theory, Tools and Applications, 1991.
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    E. -R. Olderog, "Towards a Design Calculus for Communicating Programs" in Proc. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR'91) (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 1991.
  • [article] bibtex
    C. J. -J. Meyer and E. -R. Olderog, "Hiding in Stream Semantics of Uniform Concurrency" acta, vol. 27.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    K. R. Apt, F. S. de Boer, and E. -R. Olderog, Proving termination of parallel programsspringer.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog, From trace specifications to process termsspringer.
  • [article] bibtex
    B. D., C. A. R. \. Hoare, J. P. Bowen, He Jifeng, H. Langmaack, E. -R. Olderog, U. H. Martin, V. Stavridou, F. Nielson, H. R. Nielson, H. Barringer, D. Edwards, H. H. Lø., A. P. Ravn, and H. S. Rischel, "A ProCoS Project Description" Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), vol. 39.
  • [article] bibtex
    J. W. de Bakker, C. J. -J. Meyer, E. -R. Olderog, and J. I. Zucker, "Transition Systems, Metric Spaces and Ready Sets in the Semantics of Uniform Concurrency" jcss, vol. 36.
  • [article] bibtex
    J. A. Bergstra, J. W. Klop, and E. -R. Olderog, "Readies and Failures in the Algebra of Communicating Processes" siam, vol. 17.
  • [article] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog and K. R. Apt, "Fairness in Parallel Programs: the Transformational Approach" acmtoplas, vol. 10.
  • [article] bibtex
    J. W. de Bakker, C. J. -J. Meyer, and E. -R. Olderog, "Infinite Streams and Finite Observations in the Semantics of Uniform Concurrence" tcs, vol. 49.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. A. Bergstra, J. W. Klop, and E. -R. Olderog, "Failures without Chaos: a Process Semantics for Fair Abstraction" in Proc. Formal Description of Programming Concepts -- III, Amsterdam, 1987.
  • [article] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog and C. A. R. Hoare, "Specification-oriented Semantics for Communicating Processes" acta, vol. 23.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. W. de Bakker, C. J. -J. Meyer, E. -R. Olderog, and J. I. Zucker, "Transition systems, infinitary languages and the semantics of uniform concurrency" in Proc. Proc.~17th ACM Symp.~on Theory of Computing, 1985.
  • [article] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog, "Correctness of Programs with Pascal-like Procedures without Global Variables" Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 30.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog, "Hoare's logic for programs with procedures---what has been achieved?" in Proc. Proc. Logics of Programs, 1984.
  • [article] bibtex
    K. R. Apt and E. -R. Olderog, "Proof Rules and Transformations Dealing with Fairness" Science of Computer Programming, vol. 3.
  • [article] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog, "On the Notion of Expressiveness and the Rule of Adaptation" Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 24.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog, "A Characterization of Hoare's logic for programs with Pascal-like procedures" in Proc. Proc.~15th ACM Symp.~on Theory of Computing, 1983.
  • [article] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog, "Sound and Complete Hoare-like Calculi based on Copy Rules" Acta Informatica, vol. 16.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H. Langmaack and E. -R. Olderog, "Present-day Hoare-like systems for programming languages with procedures: power, limits and most likely extensions" in Proc. Automata, Languages and Programming (Proc.~7th ICALP), 1980.
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