About us…



Prof. Dr. Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog (i.R.)


Andrea Göken



A3 2-208

About us…

Correct System Design

Theory of Computing

Correct System Design

Welcome to the web-pages of the Correct System Design group (until 1st April 2003: Semantics group), for short CSD. This department is headed by Prof. Dr. Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog. It belongs to the Department of Computing Science of Faculty II at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg and is assigned to Theory of Computing. For information on how to reach us please use our help page.

The work focusses on theory of programming. In particular, formal semantics for parallel and distributed systems is studied, considering operational, denotational and predicative approaches as well as transformational.

The common goal of these efforts is to establish methods for the systematic development of correct software for communicating distributed real-time systems.

In cooperation with partners from industries, the resulting methodology is applied to a variety of case studies, reaching from telecommunication to traffic control systems.

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