
University of Oldenburg
FK II – Department for Computer Science
Digitalized Energy Systems Group
D-26111 Oldenburg


Meike Burke

Regina Knippenberg

Industriestraße 11, Room 0-014

+49 (0) 441 - 798 2878

+49 (0) 441 - 798 2756


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Astrid Niesse 

Industriestraße 11, Room 0-004

+49 (0) 441 - 798 2750

+49 (0) 441 - 798 2756



Save the date for the 1st NFDI4Energy conference on 20 to 21 February 2024!

Together with the TIB, we will organize the first NFDI4Energy conference.

Together with the TIB, we will organize the first NFDI4Energy conference.

Research data management in the energy domain is a broad topic including handling research artifacts like research data and research software internally, annotating research artifacts with metadata (e.g. with terms from ontologies) and publish research artifacts. Different tools and infrastructure are needed to support researchers handling their research artifacts. The NFDI4Energy Conference offers a platform to discuss and exchange on different tools and approaches, best practices and ideas for research data management in the energy domain. The conference will take place in Hannover, organized by NFDI4Energy in cooperation with TIB. English will be the primary language for the conference.


(Changed: 21 Aug 2024)  | 
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