

Ongoing Projects

Logo Data for All

Understanding, processing and utilising relevant data from a wide range of sources has become a central component of digital transformation in both the public and private sector. In this context, gaining insight and developing methodologies towards establishing data-driven services contributes to so-called “data sovereignty”. However, such potentials are far less exploited for municipal and regional authorities than for national and federal administrations or private businesses and industry.

Agile Frameworks

Agile frameworks are a well-established methodology for software development and other activities. But the Agile Manifesto and frameworks like Scrum leave many tasks and options open for interpretation and implementation. For example, Scrum starts with a filled product backlog, but does not include a process for requirements engineering. The Agile Frameworks project deals with questions and open steps like this.

Process Modeling

This research area includes the development of process models for software development and software evolution, and the adaption of existing process models for specific needs of companies.


Past Projects

Logo Innovation plus

In der Programmier- und Softwaretechnikausbildung ist neben der Vermittlung theoretischer Grundlagen ein wichtiger Aspekt die praktische Anwendung und Umsetzung der gelernten Konzepte durch die Studierenden. Dabei geht es um Programmierung und Modellierung von einfachen bis zu komplexen Aufgaben als Aspekte der Softwareentwicklung. Primärziel des Projektes ist es, den Studierenden eine Plattform zum Selbststudium bereitzustellen, auf der sie zeitnah Rückmeldungen zu Fehlern und Problemen ihrer Programmier- und Modellierungslösungen erhalten, die aber gleichzeitig durch Automatisierung für bis zu 500 Studierende einer Veranstaltung skaliert. Die Plattform soll sowohl für Einzelarbeit als auch für Team-basierte Entwicklungsmethoden wie Pair-Programming oder kollaborative Modellierung ausgelegt sein.

Logo SuMoCoS

The SuMoCoS project (Sustainability and Mobility in the Context of Smart cities) is a travelling conference with project partners in Germany, Uzbekistan and Mongolia.

The aim of the project is to strengthen the cooperation between all project partners and to further deepen the understanding of the theoretical and practical challenges of Smart City projects in Central Asia. In addition, there will be an exchange of knowledge between the participants with the aim of deepening and promoting cooperation in research and in economic projects.

SuMoCoS Website

Logo J@TA

In this cooperation project, TARGIS GmbH and the University of Oldenburg examine approaches to software development and maintenance, including tool support. These approaches are targeted to the concrete requirements of the TARGIS GmbH, and are tested and refined in an application environment.

Logo Harmonisation of the Training in Programming

Programming is one of the fundamental skills any aspiring computer scientist must possess. To assist students in their endeavor, the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg provides several courses on different levels that cover the relevant topics in the field of programming. Goal of the “Harmonisation of the Training in Programming” (HTP) project is to optimize the existing set of courses, to identify and eliminate overlap, to leverage synergies, to incorporate new findings from didactic research, and to re-organize where necessary.


(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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