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03.12.2024 16:00 PG-Raum A2 2-219 /
SE ColloquiumAnne Lecdou Kayou:Automatische Feedbackbereitstellung zu Lösungen von Modellierungsaufgaben
Software Visualization Services
Bachelorarbeit in der Abteilung SoftwaretechnikMotivation
Die Softwarevisualisierung dient im Bereich des Software Engineering dazu Informationen über ein Softwaresystem visuell aufzubereiten. Dies kann zur Analyse bestehender Softwaresysteme und zum Verstehen von Softwaresystemen, beispielsweise in der Softwarewartung eingesetzt werden.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Winter ()
M.Sc. Jan Jelschen ()
Related Projects
Metamodeling and Model Based Engineering Modeling and Metamodeling allow the graph-based creation, analysis, and storage of information. Model Based Engineering summerizes these and further techniques which use models as first-order objects. This research area targets approaches, techniques, and tools to create, improve, analyze, and store models conform to metamodels among the whole software life cycle. |
Software Evolution Software evolution research is a major focus of the software engineering group, and has been exercised through participation in software migration and software quality projects like SOAMIG and Q-MIG. Tools and techniques of software evolution have also been applied towards achieving energy efficiency in software. Modernizing legacy systems is, due to their size and complexity, only feasible with a high degree of automation. Thus, a major challenge of the field is the provision of integrated tool support. This is addressed by research on software evolution services, and the toolchain-building framework SENSEI. |