Johanna Neuser

Epidemiology and Biometry  (» Postal address)

V03-A1-103 (» Adress and map)

+49 441 798-2745  (F&P

Research Focus

Effectiveness of music interventions on people living with dementia and depressive symptoms in care homes


  • since 12/2020: Junior scientific staff at the University of Oldenburg, Division of Epidemiology and Biometry
  • 08/201806/2020: Master of Public Health Science and Health Economics at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden
  • 09/201507/2018: Physiotherapist in a practice and a hospital
  • 09/201209/2017: duale Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BSc.) at the BTU (Brandenburg University of Technology) Cottbus  Senftenberg 
  • 09/201208/2015: vocational training in Physiotherapy at the Weiterbildungsakademie Dresden
  • 09/201108/2012: voluntary social year at CYDA (Centre for Youth Development and Activities) in Pune, India

Current Projects

  • MIDDEL (Music Interventions for Dementia and Depression in Elderly Care)


  • Neuser J, Heitmann S, Schulze M, Frischen U, Kreutz G, Timmer A: Asking residents about depression symptoms vs. using care staff as a source of information - A comparison of self- and proxy-ratings in the context of the MIDDEL study; (Vortrag) DGEpi Jahrestagung 26.–28.09.2023.
  • Tiles-Sar N, Neuser J, de Sordi D, Baltes A, Preiss JC, Moser G, Timmer A. Psychological interventions for treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (angenommen). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 
  • Tiles-Sar N, Neuser J, De Sordi D, Rücker G, Baltes A, Preiss J, et al. Psychological interventions for inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review and component network meta-analysis protocol. BMJ Open. 2022;12(6):e056982.
  • Timmer A, de Sordi D, Neuser J, Seibel K, Hensel A, Schmidt-Lauber M, Allgayer H, Klebl F, Obermeier F,  Jessen P, Schnoy E, Helwig U, Morgenstern J, Leifeld L, Schmidt S, Meinhardt C, Maaser C, Bästlein E, Bokemeyer A, Graefe U, Kühbacher T, Kaltz B, Sander C, Preiß J, Kruis W. Disease severity in the inflammatory bowel diseases: Do patients and physicians agree?  ECCO 2022; 18.02.2022; Wien 2022.
  • Timmer A, de Sordi D, Neuser J, Seibel K, Hensel A, Allgayer H, Reichel C, Schmidt-Lauber M, Klebl F, Obermeier F, Schnoy E, Jessen P, Helwig U, Morgenstern J, Leifeld L, Schmidt S, Meinhardt C, Arlt A, Maaser C, Bästlein E, Bokemeyer A, Graefe U, Kaltz B, Sander C, Preiß J, Kruis W. Integrating the Patient Perspective to Validate a Measure of Disease Severity in IBD.  DDW 2022; 22.05.2022; San Diego 2022.
  • Timmer A, Neuser J, Uslar V, de Sordi D, Kappen S, Seipp A, Tiles-Sar N, Beckhaus J, Otto-Sobotka F. Wissenschaftsausbildung im Medizinstudium: Das Oldenburger Datenanalyseprojekt als Umsetzungsbeispiel [Lessons learned]. GMS Med Inform Biom Epidemiol. 2023;19(Doc11).
  • Timmer A, Neuser J, Uslar V, de Sordi D, Kappen S, Seipp A, Tiles-Sar N, Beckhaus J, Otto-Sobotka F. Science education in medical school: the Oldenburg data analysis project as an implementation example [Lessons learned]. GMS Med Inform Biom Epidemiol. 2023;19(Doc11).

All current publications and conference papers can be found under publications.


Current lectures and seminars can be viewed here.

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