

Head of working group

Prof. Dr. Gudrun Massmann


AG Hydrogeology and Landscape Hydrology
IBU, Fk. V, Building A1 
Carl von Ossietzky Universität 
D-26111 Oldenburg


Renate Kettmann 
Room: A1 1-130 
Phone: ++49 (0) 441 / 798 - 4236 
Fax: ++49 (0) 441 / 798 -3769 


Current Dissertations (Working titles)

  • Rezwana Binte Delwar: "Exploring the phenomena of fingering flow in the subterranean estuary as a multiplier for the iron curtain and reactive transport processes"
  • Laura Bräunig: „Experimental and numerical characterization of geochemical interactions and groundwater dynamics during managed aquifer reacharge with monovalent-partial desalinated water”
  • Carla Dodd (Nelson Mandela University, South Afrika, Co-supervision): "The Algoa Bay Region Groundwater Cycle - Linking Source to Coast"
  • Annika Desens (Bundesamt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe): "Characterisation of groundwater ages in Germany" 
  • Patrick Hähnel: "Future development of barrier island freshwater lenses in the face of climate change"
  • Dani Hamade (AG Technische Bildung, Co-supervision): "Der Klimawandel im Nordwesten - Auswirkungen auf den natürlichen Wasserkreislauf und die technische Wassernutzung als Thema schulischer und außerschulischer Bildung."
  • Lena Thissen: „Generic analysis of freshwater lenses in the context of climate change using numerical
  • Mareike Schloo: „Biogeochemical nutrient discharge from grasslands considering an adaption of water management to climate change in the coastal area of North-West Germany”

Completed Dissertations

  • Kilian Loesch (2023): "The effect of forest conversion from coniferous to broadleaved forests on deep seepage rates in Northwest Germany"
  • Nele Grünenbaum (2021): "Spatial and temporal variability of submarine groundwater discharge on barrier islands”
  • Anne Mehrtens (2021, with Dr. Victoria Burke): "From Manure to Groundwater - The Fate of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals within the Aquatic Environment"
  • Tobias Holt (2020): "Hydrogeological evolution and dynamics of a young barrier island (Ostplate Spiekeroog)"
  • Stephan Seibert (2019): "Hydrogeochemical Processes in a Barrier Island Aquifer (Spiekeroog, Northwest Germany)"
  • Thi Thuy Hang Nham (2017): "Reactive transport modeling of organic trace compounds in groundwater"
  • Victoria Burke (2014): "The impact of redox conditions on the attenuation of wastewater-derived organic micropollutants in groundwater"
  • Tania Röper (2014): "Formation, Characterization and Groundwater Flow Patterns of a Barrier Island Freshwater Lens (Spiekeroog, Northwest Germany)" 
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