Übergeordnetes Studiengremium
Prof. Dr. Heinz Wilkes
Telefon: 0441-798-5359
E-Mail: heinz.wilkes(at)uol.de
Raum: W15 2-206
Providing a new module
Due to the university's moratorium on changing examination regulations, new modules can only be offered again in the winter term 2026/2027
Registration until November 2025
A new module must be coordinated with the overarching study committee (übergeordnetes Studiengremium) and the marine environmental sciences study committee (Studiengremium Muwi, see left column).
Courses must always be anchored in a module.
Time schedule
The inclusion of new modules in the examination regulations is possible up to the beginning of the previous winter semester.
Start of the module in winter term 2026/2027 or summer term 2027
Registration until November 2025
The information for the module handbook should be made available timely.
What is a module in the Marine Environmental Sciences course?
Modules in the Master’s Marine Environmental Sciences are elective modules with 6 CP (credit points). An event with 2 semester hours per week (14x2h = 28h attendance time) usually has 3 CP and corresponds to a workload of 90 hours (62h personal work). This can also be changed for practical courses. A module usually consists of 2 courses with 3 CP each.
Information required for the examination regulations
Module name
The module name should be provided in German and English.
Optional compulsory area
Possible optional compulsory areas (Wahlpflichtbereiche)
- mathematical modelling
- ocean, climate, and environmental physics
- geochemistry, analytics
- biology, ecology
- marine sensors and operational oceanography
- practical
- interdisciplinary
Course forms
Common course forms are
- lectures (Vorlesung)
- seminar (Seminar)
- exercise (fachpraktische Übung)
- internship/practical course (Praktikum)
- excursion (Exkursion)
Types of examinations
A module is usually concluded with a graded examination. Permissible forms of examination are
- written exam (Klausur)
- oral exam (mündliche Prüfung)
- presentation including written analysis (Referat)
- term paper (Hausarbeit)
- practical exercise (fachpraktische Übung)
- seminar paper (Seminararbeit)
- internship report (Praktikumsbericht)
- portfolio (Portfolio)
- presentation (Präsentation)
- report (Protokoll)
The types of examinations commonly used in the Marine Environmental Sciences course are printed in bold. Information on the delimitation of the individual types of examinations can be found in the examination regulations.
Information about active participation
An indication of whether the students should actively participate. A presence check resp. active participation in lectures is not permitted.
Information required for the module handbook
Information for the module handbook
The module handbook contains the module descriptions of all modules. Required information is
- module name (as provided in the examination regulations)
- module code (assigned by faculty)
- credit points
- workload in hours
- Degree programs in which the module is integrated, including spezialization area
- contact person (responsible for the module, authorized to take examinations, module advice)
- participation requirements (optional)
- Competency goals
- module content
- recommended reading (optional)
- links (optional)
- Languages
- duration
- rhythm (annually/every term, winter term/ summer term)
- capacity
- hints (optional)
- level (in this degree program normally MM (master module))
- module type (in (in this degree program normally elective (Wahlpflicht))
- form of teaching (e.g. lecture 3CP, seminar 3 CP)
- previous knowledge (optional)
- type of examination (as provided in the examination regulations, incl. definition of active parcticipation if required)
- time of examination (e.g. after lectures)
- attendance time
The examination regulations are binding in any case!
Please use the university's form for the module description (example).
Who do I send my data to?
Please send all information to Bernd Blasius and Cora Kohlmeier. Please send changes concerning the module handbook also to Julia Temmen