Philipp Staudt
Philipp Staudt
Prof. Dr. Philipp Staudt studied Industrial Engineering and Economathematics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, where he also completed his PhD at the chair of Information & Market Engineering of Prof. Christof Weinhardt. He led the research group on Smart Grids and Energy Markets at the same chair and then held a PostDoc position at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is Junior-Professor for Sustainable and Environmental Information Systems at the University of Oldenburg since 2022. A detailed overview of his CV can be found on his LinkedIn profile.
Prof. Dr. Philipp Staudt is a leading expert in the fields of digital energy markets, energy informatics, and green information systems. With a background in economics and computer science. Dr. Staudt has extensive experience in researching and analyzing the intersection of technology and sustainability in the energy sector. His research focuses on developing and evaluating sustainable information systems and using technology to improve environmental decision-making, with the goal of advancing knowledge and promoting the use of information technology to support environmental sustainability efforts. Dr. Staudt uses both qualitative and quantitative research methods ranging from simulations over behavioral experiments to case study research. An overview of his research can be found on his google scholar profile.
Philipp Staudt currently offers two Master courses for Business Informatics students and related studies, one during the winter and one during the summer semester. The courses focus on the role of digital technology in energy market design and the use of information systems for sustainability. Both courses also feature methodological components in terms of energy market modeling and information system research.