Prof. Dr. Tim Jürgens
Lübeck University of Applied Sciences
Department of Applied Sciences
Institute of Acoustics
Mönkhofer Weg 239
23562 Lübeck
Tel.: +49 451 300-5261
CI Vocoder
The CI Vocoder was developed by Timo Bräcker during his master's thesis. It gives the possibility to simulate the hearing with a Cochlear Implant on any kind of audio signal. For a detailed description of the CI Vocoder, please look up this link to find the master's thesis of Timo Bräcker.
Cochlear Implant Nerve Model
The Cochlear Implant Nerve Model (shortly CI Model) was developed by Hamacher in 2004 and re-implemented into MATLAB by Fredelake und Hohmann in 2012. It is a population model of the auditory nerve spiking in response to electrical stimulation. For instance, the model displays several representations of the signal processing flow in a Cochlear Implant and gives the user the possibility to analyse this processing flow more thoroughly. The model also works with different electrode arrays and is still being further developed.