Advice on "Artificial Intelligence"

Prof. Dr. Oliver Kramer

Department of Computing Science  (» Postal address)

A5-2-231 (» Adress and map)

+49 441 798-4370  (F&P

AI: Artificial Intelligence

Contact person

Contact person for the specialisation

Contact person for DFKI KI Transfer

Study requirements

To successfully complete the specialisation in AI, 84 CP (12 CP compulsory modules + 18 CP specialisation modules + 24 CP for AI-related PGs + 30 CP AI-related Master's thesis) must be acquired.

Two of the following modules totalling 12 CP must be successfully completed for certification of this specialisation:

  • Computational Intelligence I - Evolution Strategies (inf535)
  • Computational Intelligence II - Convolutional Neural Networks (inf536)
  • Intelligent Systems (inf537)
  • Trustworthy Machine Learning (inf5402)
  • Applied Deep Learning in PyTorch (inf597)
  • Practical multimodal-multisensor data analysis pipelines (inf1210)
  • Designing Explainable Artificial Intelligence (inf1211)

The Master's thesis (30 CP) and the project group (24 CP) should be thematically related to artificial intelligence.

In addition, 18 CP must be successfully completed in modules with AI topics. In addition to the above modules, the following modules can be recommended:

  • Learning-Based Control in Digitalised Energy Systems (inf5111)
  • Medical Data Analysis with Deep Learning (inf5403)
  • Special topics from the field of "Data Science" (inf1204)
  • Current topics from the field of "Data Science" I (inf1205)
  • Applied AI - Multimodal-Multisensor Interfaces 1: Foundations, User Modelling, and Common Modality Combination (inf5453)
  • Applied AI - Multimodal-Multisensor Interfaces 2: Signal Processing, Architectures, and Detection of Emotion and Cognition (inf5454)
  • AI in Energy Systems (inf5114)
  • Medical Data Analytics and Tools (inf527)
  • Robotics (inf307)
  • Practice Robotics (inf332)
  • Fuzzy Control and Artificial Neural Networks in Robotics and Automation (inf303)
  • Information Systems III (inf109)

In addition, transdisciplinary modules related to AI are credited for the specialisation, provided they have not already been selected in the B.Sc. degree programme, e.g:

  • Machine Learning I - Probabilistic Unsupervised Learning (phy730)
  • Machine Learning II - Advanced Learning and Inference Methods (phy694)
  • Statistics I - Introduction to Applied Statistics (mat310)
  • Introduction to Stochastics (mat997)
  • Introduction to Numerics (mat996)
  • Forecasting methods (wir875)

By arrangement, other modules related to artificial intelligence can also be selected as specialisation modules. This may apply in particular to seminars (Special/Current Topics in ...).

If you have any questions about the AI specialisation, please contact the above-mentioned persons. The Computational Intelligence Office is available to answer questions regarding the crediting of AI-related modules not mentioned here and the issuing of certificates after fulfilment of the requirements.

Artificial intelligence

Vertiefungsrichtung im Fachmaster-Studium

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) specialisation in the Master's degree programme in Computing Science offers students a comprehensive introduction to the theory, practice and application of artificial intelligence. With the rapid development of technologies such as machine learning, neural networks and robotics, artificial intelligence has taken on an important role in modern Computing Science and in many other fields such as medicine, energy, finance, manufacturing and transport. In this specialisation, students learn to develop intelligent algorithms and systems that can be applied to complex problems. Through hands-on experience with current software, analysis methods and modelling techniques, students are prepared for a successful career in one of the fastest growing areas of Computing Science.

Computing Science graduates with a specialisation in Artificial Intelligence have excellent career prospects as the demand for professionals in this field is constantly growing. Companies are increasingly looking for professionals with a specialisation in artificial intelligence to develop innovative solutions to business problems and gain a competitive edge. The demand spans all industries, from healthcare and financial services to transport and power generation. You will be offered the opportunity to be involved in exciting projects, initiatives and AI transfer at the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) that can have a real impact on the world.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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