Prof. Dr. Martin Georg Fränzle

nach Vereinbarung / by appointment)

+49 441 9722-500  (F&P

Prof. Dr. Andreas Peter

Nach Vereinbarung

+49 441 798-3118  (F&P

Oliver Theel

Montags, i.d.R. 10:30 bis 11:30 Uhr; in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit nur nach Vereinbarung

+49 441 798-2364  (F&P

Prof. Dr. Heike Wehrheim

Security – Safety – Dependability

Security – Safety – Dependability

Motivation and goals

In our digitalized society, we are depending on the robust functioning of all types of systems, such as personal computers, networks, mobile or embedded devices, which form the basis of many daily-used services for many applications. It is of utmost importance to ensure the robustness of systems against threats such as (cyber-)attacks, design errors, failure, or incorrect operation, which otherwise can have severe implications on the safety and security of human lives as well as the environment. In our specialization on “Security – Safety –  Dependability”, students learn the technical and scientific basis to guarantee the security, safety, and dependability of systems and their applications, including foundations on defining and maintaining requirements, (formally) verifying and validating them, ensuring fault tolerance, and on preventing, detecting, and responding to attacks.

Job perspectives

The Master specialization focuses on core and advanced competences in security, safety, and dependability which are not bound to specific application domains (those will mainly be looked at for illustrative purposes and real-world examples). Graduates with expertise in security, safety, and dependability are employable in a wide range of professional fields and are highly sought after. Typical companies of interest are found in the IT-security, Internet, telecommunication, software, automotive, and aviation industries, and more generally, in sectors dealing with the protection of the critical national infrastructure.

Study requirements

For the successful completion of the specialization, 84 CP must be acquired as follows: 12 CP compulsory modules + 18 CP specialization modules + 24 CP project group with relation to security, safety, and/or dependability + 30 CP Master thesis on a topic related to security, safety, and/or dependability.

Compulsory modules

Two of the following modules amounting to 12 CP must be successfully completed:

  • Requirements-Engineering and Management (inf108)
  • Hybrid Systems (inf300)
  • Introduction to IT-Security (inf420, if not done during Bachelor studies already)
  • Cryptography (inf462)
  • Software Analysis (inf481)
  • Verification of Parallel Programs (starting WiSe 23/24)

The Master's thesis (30 CP) and the project group (24 CP) should have a thematic reference to security, safety, and/or dependability.

Specialization modules

18 CP must be successfully completed as an accent selection in modules with security, safety, and/or dependability topics. In addition to the above modules, the following modules can be recommended:

  • Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems (inf105)
  • Design of Autonomous Systems (inf338)
  • Model Checking (inf455)
  • Real-Time Systems (inf456)
  • Computational Intelligence II (inf536)
  • Trustworthy Machine Learning (inf597)
  • Current Topics in “Safety-Security-Interaction” (inf814/inf815)
  • Special/Current Topics in “Formal Methods” (inf489/inf490/inf496)

In addition, transdisciplinary modules with a connection to security, safety, and/or dependability are credited for the specialization, provided they have not already been chosen in the B.Sc. programme, e.g:

  • Data Protection Law (wir860)
  • Mathematical Cryptology (mat740)

By arrangement, other modules related to security, safety, and/or dependability can also be chosen as focus modules. This may apply in particular to seminars (Special/Current Topics of ...).

If you have any questions about the specialization, please contact one of the following contact persons.

Contact persons

(Changed: 24 Sep 2024)  | 
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