Vocals and attention

Vocals and attention

Exploring the salience of different sound sources in popular music mixes

We conducted online experiments in which participants detected single cued instruments or voices in multi-track musical mixtures. Stimuli consisted of short excerpts of popular music.  It turned out that vocals attract auditory attention in a particularly salient way. 

Here, you find examples wrt general instrument and voice detection + influence of level and filtering (Bürgel, Picinali, & Siedenburg, 2021, Front. Psych)

Here, you find examples wrt influence of frequency micro-modulations and lead melody (Bürgel & Siedenburg, 2024, Music Perception)  

Here, you find examples wrt influence of distractor sounds and frequency micro-modulationns on recognition of vocals and instrumentsy (Bürgel & Siedenburg, 2024 JASA)  

Detection task examples


Mixture followed by Target

Detection task
Vocals (present in the mixture) Vocals (absent from the mixture) Bass (present in the mixture) Bass (absent from the mixture) Drums (present in the mixture) Drums (absent in the mixture)


Target followed by Mixture

Detection task
Vocals (present in the mixture) Vocals (absent from the mixture) Bass (present in the mixture) Bass (absent from the mixture) Drums (present in the mixture) Drums (absent in the mixture)


(Changed: 14 Oct 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p83358en
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