Sound examples

Sound examples

Sound examples


Generalized Shepard tones

  • Siedenburg, Graves, Pressnitzer (2022)
  • Siedenburg (2018, JASA-EL)

Mixing transforms for hearing-impaired listeners

- Benjamin & Siedenburg (2023)



Vocals & attention in musical mixtures

  • Bürgel, Picinali, & Siedenburg (2021, Front in Psych)


Tracking voices in Bach's Art of the Fugue

  • Siedenburg, Goldmann, van de Par (2021, Front. Psych)


Can you hear out the melody?

  • Siedenburg, Röttges, Wagener, Hohmann (2020, Trends in Hearing)


Onset transients in acoustical instrument sounds

  • Siedenburg (2019, JASA)
  • Siedenburg & Doclo (2017, DAFx)
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