Subject Advisory Service

Prof. Dr. Thilo Gross

Phone: +49 471 4831-2526

Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity at the University of Oldenburg (HIFMB)
Ammerländer Heerstraße 231
26129 Oldenburg

Office hours: by arrangement


Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Is my degree suitable as admission requirements?

A previous degree programme in Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Economics, Computing Science or in an environmental science subject or another suitable degree programme in which the aforementioned subjects make up a major with at least 90 credit points is suitable.

How is my application decided?

The formal decision on admission is made by the admissions committee on a case-by-case basis. The procedure is regulated in the admissions regulations.

What do the conditions imposed with admission mean and how are these to be dealt with in the course of the degree programme?

As admission from very different Bachelor's degree programmes is generally possible, the admissions committee occasionally imposes conditions in the areas of Mathematics, Computing Science/Programming or Ecology as part of individual decisions. The conditions imposed with admission must be fulfilled within the first two semesters.

In practical terms, this means that once you have passed the planned module examination, you must notify the Examinations Office by email that you have fulfilled the requirement. You will then also receive confirmation from there by email, a copy of which will also be sent to the Admissions office. If you subsequently recognise the continuation of the condition in StudIP, please contact the Admissions Office yourself with the confirmation received from the Examinations Office in order to clarify the matter in good time. If you do not fulfil the condition within the first two semesters, the Admissions office will automatically De-registration you.

If you are unable to fulfil the requirements within the first two semesters for reasons beyond your control, please contact the Environmental Modelling examining board in good time.

Can I have courses from another Master's programme recognised?

Yes, in principle a maximum of 30 CP from other Master's programmes can be recognised, but this explicitly excludes the Master's thesis. If two Master's degrees are being sought, two independent theses must also be completed.

What needs to be considered for external internships/research projects?

The following steps are required for an internship or research project at an external institution (research institute or company):

  1. Contact the aspired external supervisor and agree an internship/research plan
  2. Contact an accompanying supervisor in the Environmental Modelling degree programme - this supervisor will receive the final report, be responsible for the assessment of the corresponding module and report the corresponding grade to the Examinations Office
  3. In consultation with both supervisors, an application for external research project must be completed and submitted to the UMMO examining board (Chair) by email.
  4. In the case of projects at a foreign institution, a statement of commitment from the external institution must also be attached to the proposal.
  5. After confirmation by the examining board (Chair), the internship/project can be carried out.

What must be observed for external Master's theses?

The following steps must be taken for an external Master's thesis:

  1. Contact the aspired external supervisor and agree on a content and time schedule
  2. Contact an accompanying supervisor in the Environmental Modelling degree programme - this supervisor will be one of the two reviewers and will report his/her grade to the Examinations Office
  3. In consultation with both supervisors, an application for external Master’s thesis must be completed and submitted to the UMMO examining board (Chair) by email.
  4. At the end of projects at a foreign institution, a statement of commitment from the external institution must also be attached to the proposal.
  5. If the external supervisor is also to act as an examiner, this must be applied for by submitting an application for external examination authorization (German only) together with a submitted CV to the UMMO Examining Board (Chair). The external supervisor can be applied for as first or second assessor. According to the examination regulations, however, one of the two reviewers must necessarily be a member of the professors' group or a member of the School V - School of Mathematics and Science or the School VI - School of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Oldenburg who is authorised to teach independently and who is involved in teaching the corresponding Master's degree programme. If the external reviewer is accepted, he/she must independently report his/her opinion to the Examinations Office after reviewing the submitted Master's thesis.
  6. After positive re-registration by the examining board (Chair), the Master's thesis can be registered with the Examinations Office using the registration of the thesis (German only) form and the thesis can be completed.

What is the aim of the degree programme and what are the career prospects?

The Master's degree course in Environmental Modelling teaches students methods and strategies for modelling and analysing environmental systems. To this end, students learn a wide range of mathematical, scientific, Computing Science-related and statistical methods for modelling and data analysis, management and evaluation. These are used in environmental research, environmental monitoring and environmental precaution. Accordingly, academic appointments are possible in companies that model environmental data for forecasting purposes, planning offices, statistical offices, ministries and authorities, as well as in the management of medium-sized companies. As a research-oriented degree programme, the degree also qualifies graduates for further research work as part of a doctoral project.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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