
Dorit Barz

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg

Tel.: 0441/ 798-4585


General Funding

General Funding

The University Society Oldenburg e.V. promotes projects which consolidate the local establishment and increase the public reputation of the University.

The funding has to be connected with "research" or "teaching" of the University of Oldenburg and there has to be a commitment to a specific faculty.

Furthermore there should be:

  • Sustainability
  • Innovative content
  • Speciality

To avoid difficulties with the legibility of handrwitings we ask for the submission of a typed application as far as possible via mail and/or per post. The application must be submitted no later than two weeks before the next meeting of the Executive and Advisory Board. The dates of the respective meeting can be found here.

Please send your application to the e-mail adress mentioned above.


Indications for applications, information about what the UGO does not support and the application form can be found here:

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