Grants 2011
Grants 2011
Grants in 2011
BOARD MEETINg 08.02.2011
- Prof. Dr. Thorsten Pohl, Faculty III, Institute of German Studies: Summer school; Grant: 500 €
- Dr. Anne G. Kosfeld, Equality Body: International Women's Day Grant: 500 €
- Dr. Heike Tendler, Career Service: Partnership Career Day Grant: 1.000 €
- Prof. Dr. Katharina Al-Shamery, Faculty V, Institute of Chemistry: Conference "Aus der Hexenküche der Materialwissenschaft" Grant: 834 €
- Prof. Dr. Karen Ellwanger, Facutly III, Institute for Cultural Studies: Exhibition: "Studenteria - Menschen mit Immatrikulationshintergrund" Grant: 1.500 €
- Prof. Dr. Andrea Strübind, Faculty IV, Institute of Theology and Religios Education: Travel expenses for the speaker at Leo-Trepp-Lehrhaus Grant: 500 €
- Präsidium: President's annual donation Grant: 3.000 €
BOARD MEETINg 07.04.2011
- Prof. Dr. Jörg Peters, Faculty III, Institute of German Studies: Annual conference of the Society for Low German Studies Grant: 1.000 €
- Dr. Holger Lindemann, Faculty I, Institute of Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation: Research projekt "Gelingensbedingungen von Schulentwicklung aus der Sicht von Lehrern" Grant: 600 €
- Prof. Dr. Johann Kreuzer, Faculty IV, Institute of Philosophy: Conference "Wahrheit – Kunst – Gesellschaft. Adorno heute" Grant: 1.000 €
- Prof. Dr. Mark Siebel, Faculty IV, Institute of Philosophy: International conference "Kant & Bolzano" Grant: 1.000 €
- Prof. Dr. Gun-Britt Kohler, Faculty III, Institute of Slavic Studies: Project "Spezifik und Typologie ´kleiner` Literaturen im ost- westeuropäischen Vergleich" Grant: 500 €
BOARD MEETINg 16.06.2011
- Prof. Dr. Gunilla Budde, Department of Study and Teaching Issues: "Preis der Lehre" 2010/ 2011 Grant: 3.800 €
BOARD MEETINg 15.09.2011
- Lisbeth Suhrcke M.A., Faculty III, Institute of Music: Conference "Konstruktivität von Musik-geschichtsschreibung: Zur Formation musikbezogenen Wissens" Grant: 500 €
- Apl. Prof. Dr. Detlef Haberland, Faculty III, Institute of German Studies: Conference "Elektronische Edition der Amoenitates Ecoticae von Engelbert Kaempfer" Grant: 500 €
- Prof. Dr. Michael Komorek & Dr. Julia Michaelis, Faculty V, Institute of Physics: Annual conference of the Society of the Didactics of Chemistry and Physics Grant: 500 €