
Dorit Barz

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg

Tel.: 0441/ 798-4585


Grants 2014

Grants in 2014

BOARD MEETING 20.02.2014

  • Dr. Corinna Dahm-Brey, Press and Communication: Grant for delivery costs for UNI-INFO and EINBLICKE to UGO members
    Grant: 3.500 €
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Sonnenschein, Faculty II, Department of Environmental Informatics: Conference EnviroInfo 2014 (10.-12.09.2014)
    Grant: 800 €
  • Prof. Dr. Violeta Dinescu, Institute of Music: Award ceremony of the 13th Carl von Ossietzky composition competition
    Grant: 500 €
  • Roman Winter, MA., Research Assistant, Institute of Theology and Religious Education: Conference "Martyrium, Tyrannei, Terror."
    Grant: 606 €
  • Prof. Dr. Meinhard Simon, Dean, Faculty V: Graduation celebration 2014
    Grant: 300 €
  • Prof. Dr. Gun-Britt Kohler, Dean, Faculty III: Graduation celebration 2013
    Grant: 300 €
  • Sebastian Wunderlich, Representative of the organizing team, M.A. Sustainability Economics and Management: Weekend seminar "Physik trifft Volkswirtschaftslehre"
    Grant: 500 €

BOARD MEETING 10.04.2014

  • Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Pehlken, Research Assistant, Faculty II: International Workshop "Ressourceneffizienz in der Elektromobilität"
    Grant: 700 €
  • Prof. Andrea Strübind, Faculty IV: Academic celebration ceremony for granting the title Hon. Prof. to the American historian Dr. David Weinstein
    Grant: 500 €
  • Prof. Olaf Zawacki-Richter, Faculty I: Conference "Teaching Trends 2014: offen für neue Wege - Digitale Medien in der Hochschule"
    Grant: 1.000 €

BOARD MEETING 26.06.2014

  • Prof. Dr. Gunilla Budde, Vice-President for Study and Teaching Issues, Presidium: Awarding the "Preis der Lehre"
    Grant: 2.000 €
  • Dr. Klaudia Hettwer, Research Assistant, Faculty V: Graduate School Science and Technology, celebrating 5 years of "Graduiertenschule Oltech" - "Ein Blick in die Zukunft"
    Grant: 500 €
  • Dr. Maxi Berger, Research Assistant, Faculty IV, Institute of Philosophy: Interdisciplinary conference "Subjekt und Gewalt im Recht. Subjektivierungstheoretische Aspekte rechtlicher Praktiken in der Sicht von Philosophie, Soziologie und Rechtswissenschaft" 11.-13.09.2014 in Oldenburg
    Grant: 500 €

 BOARD MEETING 11.09.2014

  • Prof. Dr. Astrid Fischer, Faculty V; Prof. Dr. Barbara Moschner, Faculty I; Simone Selle, Administraive office of the educational center: Official ceremony of the doctoral programme LÜP (Lernprozesse im Übergangsraum Praxisphase) "Übergänge - Prodid 1, Prodid 2, Profas, LÜP: 15 Jahre erfolgreiche Promotionen in der Lehrerbildung"
    Grant: 500€
  • Prof. Dr. Jörg Peters, Faculty III, Institute of German Studies: "Kleine Sprachen in Europa: Niederdeutsch und Friesisch". Scientific conference on "Liet International"
    Grant: 500€
  • Christine Fornoff, Faculty III, Institute of Music: 7th Day of Study of Musicology in Lower Saxony
    Grant: 500 €
  • Prof. Dr. Gunilla Budde, Vice-President for Study and Teaching Issues: Funding of three "Deutschlandstipendien" (Scholarships)
    Grant: 3600 €
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Röben, Faculty V, Institute of Physics: DGTB-Conference "Technische Bildung und Mint"
    Grant: 1000 €
  • Dr. Sylvia Pritsch, Interdisciplinary center for women and gender research: Conference "Migration of Knowledge"
    Grant: 500 €

BOARD MEETING 12.11.2014

  • Silvia Drobny, Oldenburg University theater (OUT gGmbH): Improv theater festival "SpontanOL" Oldenburg
    Grant: 500 €
  • Dr. Anna Langenbruch, Faculty III, Institute of Music: "Musikwissenschaft: Generationen, Netzwerke, Denkstrukturen" -  Interdisciplinary conference at the Institute of Music 16./17.1.2015
    Grant: 500 €
  • Vanessa Hinsch, Educational Center (DiZ): Two graduation celebrations - Master of Education graduates 2015
    Grant: 300 €
  • Prof. Dr. Anton Kirchhofer, Faculty III, Institute of English and American Studies: Conference "Movement Discourse: Historical and Contemporary Formations and Transformations"
    Grant: 500 €
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Fränzle, Faculty II, School of Computing Science, Business Administration, Economics and Law: Two academic graduation celebrations (Business Administration, Economics and Law & Computing Science)
    Grant: 300 €
  • Kathrin Almes Faculty III, Institute of Material Culture, student project group of the MA Cultural Analysis: Conference "Dressing Difference: Wie werden soziale Unterschiede über vestimentäre Normen (re-) produziert?"
    Grant: 300 €
  • Simon Wehber, Faculty III, Institute of Music, Uni Big Band: Music stands
    Grant: 835 €
  • Prof. Dr. Katharina Al-Shamery, President: Colloquium series "Lehruniversitäten für die Massen und Forschungsuniversitäten für die Elite: Welchen Bildungsauftrag hat die Universität?", Symposium and panel discussion "Die Bedeutung von Bildung in einer Dienstleistungs- und Wissensgesellschaft"

    Grant: 500 €


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