
University of  Oldenburg
Institute of Physics - ForWind
Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn
Küpkersweg 70 
D-26129 Oldenburg

Tel: +49 (0)441 / 798-5061
Fax: +49 (0)441 / 798-5099

Group members


Martin Kühn, Prof. Dr.

Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter:

Team LiDAR and wakes:

Andreas Rott, Dr. rer. nat (Team Leader LiDAR and wakes)

Jörge Schneemann, Dipl.-Phys. (Techn. Leader - Interaction of wind farms and atmos. boundary layer)

Arjun Anantharaman, M. Sc. (LiDAR measurements of wind farm wakes)

Severijn d'Hoedt, M. Sc. (Dual-Doppler LiDAR and RADAR)

Paul Meyer, M. Sc. (Measurement of wind farm cluster wakes)

Ignace Ransquin, Dr. Ing. (Minute-scale wind power forecasting)

Janna Kristina Seifert, M. Sc. (Minute-scale wind power forecasting)

Ana Trindade, Dr. rer. nat. (Flow physics of offshore wind farm cluster wakes)

Sinem Uluocak, M. Sc. (LiDAR-based reconstruction of rotor wind fields)

Lilén Vöhringer, M. Sc. (Dual-Doppler LiDAR and RADAR)

Team Wind turbine and wind farm control:

Vlaho Petrović, Dr. Sc. (Team leader wind turbine and wind farm control)

Jan Kai Bohrer, M. Sc. (Model predictive wind turbine and wind farm control)

Paul Hulsman, M. Sc. (Validation of wind farm control concepts)

Raghawendra Joshi, M. Sc. (Aero-elastic simulation and design)

David Onnen, M. Sc. (Validation of wind turbine and wind farm control concepts)

Daniel Ribnitzky, M. Sc. (Rotor and control concepts for XXL offshore turbines)

Manuel Zúñiga, M. Sc. (Control-oriented modelling of wind farms)

Team Energy meteorology:

Gerald Steinfeld, Dr. rer. nat (Team leader Energy meteorology)

Hauke Beck, Dr. Ing. (Meteorological database WiValdi test site)

Annika Gaiser, M. Sc. (Simulation of wind farm cluster wakes)

Jorrit Meijer, M. Sc. (AI-based refinement of mesoscale simulations)

Samir Ouchéne, Dr. rer. nat. (Wind turbine response in the atmospheric boundary layer)

Johannes Paulsen, M. Sc. (Offshore wind farm clusters with novel turbine concepts)

Hauke Wurps, Dipl.-Phys. (Boundary layer parametrisation for mesoscale modelling)

Gabriele Centurelli, M. Sc. (Engineering modelling of cluster wakes effects)

Team Non-equilibrium statistical physics and wind physics:

Jan Friedrich, Dr. rer. nat. (Non-equilibrium statistical physics and wind physics)

Finn Köhne, M. Sc. (Forecast of coherent structures in inflow)

Janka Lengyel, Dr. Ing. (Near wake turbulence characterisation)

Daniela Moreno, M. Sc. (Inflow turbulence characterisation)

Felix Schmitt, M. Sc. (Non-equilibrium characterisation of turbulent flows)

Martin Wagner, M. Sc. (Stochastic modelling of wind turbine dynamics)

Team Computational fluid dynamics of wind turbines:

Neeraj Manelli, Ph.D. (Team leader Computational fluid dynamics of wind turbines)

Marcel Bock, M. Eng. (Fluid-structure interaction with intermittent turbulence)


Janka Heits

Lea Ahlers


Some PhD projects are under scientific supervision of 

Prof. a.D. Dr. Joachim Peinke - former Research Group Turbulence, Wind Energy & Stochastics


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