
University of  Oldenburg
Institute of Physics - ForWind
Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn
Küpkersweg 70 
D-26129 Oldenburg

Tel: +49 (0)441 / 798-5061
Fax: +49 (0)441 / 798-5099

Internship / Thesis

Internship, Bachelor- and Master theses

We offer a variety of possible topics for internships and final theses for the bachelor as well as for the master level (see below). If you are interested in one of the advertised topics or generally interested in a thesis in the AG Wind Energy Systems, please contact Janna Seifert (

In your e-mail, you should include the following documents (as PDF):

  • Application form (link)
  • Letter of motivation
  • Short curriculum vitae including the most important certificates
  • Transcript of Records (e. g. “Notenbescheinigung” from StudIP)


For a final thesis in the AG Wind Energy Systems you should have successfully completed at least one of the following introductory courses or modules.

For a Bachelor's degree:

  • Wind Energy Utilisation (pb355)

For a Master’s degree:

  • Basics of Wind Energy (pre031),
  • Wind Energy Physics, Data & Analysis (phy644)
    It is also highly recommended to take
  • Design of Wind Energy Systems (phy649)

Exceptions are possible and will be checked individually. In case that you do not meet the above requirement, it will be checked whether you can compensate for this with other competencies. Important experiences or competences in this sense may be: modelling, simulation, programming, experimenting, measurement methods, statistics, data analysis.


MA Thesis: Optimal constrained IPC for the scaled turbine model MoWiTO based on the interior point method (Supervisor: Vlaho Petrovic)

MA Thesis: Investigation of spatial and temporal up-sampling of wind fields with AI methods based on high resolved LES (Supervisor: Hauke Beck)


Theses 2023

Chavarria Mercado, A. (2023) Model-based protection system for a scaled wind turbine model, Master Thesis, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Gómez Anzola, J. P. (2023) Detection and Characterization of ramp events at an offshore wind farm using a minute-scale lidar-based power forecast, Master Thesis, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Hülsmann, T. (2023) Automatised controller tuning for wind turbines with extremely large rotors, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Joshi, R. (2023) Aero-structural Optimization of a 25 MW Offshore Wind Turbine, Master Thesis, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Paulsen, J. (2023) Investigation of Low-Level Jets and their Effect on the Power Performance of an Offshore Wind Farm, Master Thesis, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Wißmann, P. (2023) Towards optimal wake steering control in varying wind directions: an LES study, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Theses 2022

Aboaresh, W. Y. N. (2022) The influence of special events on fatigue loads of wind turbines, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Ndoh, E. T. (2022) Wind Turbine Derating strategies for Active power control of waked wind farms, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Theses 2021

Altaif, A. (2021) Investigation of Wind Turbine Tower Loading for Different Tower Designs, Master Thesis, RWTH Aachen University.

Haro, A. J. (2021) Wind Farm Optimization: Mulit-Objective Problems of Induction Control and Wake Steering Control, Bachelor Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Jacobs, P. A. P. E. A. (2021) A parametric study of shear effects on wind turbine wake deflection using CFD, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Reershemius, D. (2021) Analysis of offshore wind farm cluster wakes based on SCADA data and wind field measurements using scanning lidar, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Sarkar, R. (2021) Evaluation of the Implementation of Lidar Measured Wind Fields in a Wind Turbine Simulation, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Velasco, J. O. (2021) Evaluation of the optimal number of wind turbines using heuristic optimization, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Theses 2020

Boullosa Novo, J.M. (2020) Model predictive control for a scaled model wind turbine, Bachelor Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Delocco, R. (2020) Quantifying the financial benefits of animproved very short-term wind farmpower forecast in Germany, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Guasp, I.M. (2020) Characterization of the Dynamic Behaviour of the Hydraulic Lift Table for the Model Wimd Turbine Oldenburg with 1.8m Diameter, Bachelor Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Ortensi, M. (2020) Wind farm wake effects on the wind conditions and the fatigue loads of the offshore wind farm Alpha Ventus, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Paulsen, J. (2020) Implementation and Validation of a 2D Vector Retrieval Algorithm from Single Doppler Lidar Measurements, Bachelor Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Reckweg, L. (2020) Characterization of the turbine yaw behavior within an offshore wind farm based on SCADA data considering atmospheric stability, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Ryu, J. (2020) Long-Term Adjustment of Energy Yield Assessment of Wind Farms in Northern France and Germany, Bachelor Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Schrader, C.(2020) Modification and experimental analysis of a new dynamic support structure for model wind turbine MoWiTO1.8, Bachelor Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Soriano, F.D. (2020) Technical and economic analysis of repowering alpha ventus wind farm with a scenario approach Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Theses 2019

Dittrich, A.-M. (2019) Sector-Based Wind Field Reconstruction of Wind Turbine Inflow with the SpinnerLidar, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Álvarez, O. B. (2019) Analysis of Dynamic Inflow Effect due to Wind Turbine Blade Pitching and Unsteady Wind Fields - Comparison of Wind Tunnel Measurements with Engineering Models, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Theses 2018

Akhtarirad, F. (2018) Analysis and Modelling of Service Impact on the Production-based Availability of wind turbines, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Bohla, D. (2018) Analysis of wake characteristics from nacelle-based LiDAR measurements of a Multi-MW wind turbines, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Cherian, N. (2018) Numerically based buckling assessment of conical tubular steel shell tower, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Frommann, J. (2018) Entwicklung eines Windpark-Regelkonzeptes zur Bereitstellung von Minutenreserveleistung unter Berücksichtigung von Anforderungen der Übertragungsnetzbetreiber, Masterarbeit, Techn. Universität Hamburg-Harburg

Kumar, M. (2018) Verification of Offshore Wind Turbine Model Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Öffner, F. (2018) Simulation der Frequenzstabilität eines Inselnetzes anhand repräsentativer Lastgänge, Bachelor Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Onnen, D. (2018) Wind Tunnel Testing of Aerodynamic Characteristic of a Scaled 1,8 m Model Wind Turbine and Caparison with Blade Element Momentum Simulations, Bachelor Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Shah, S.M.H. (2018) Control design for offshore wind turbine load reduction, Master Thesis, Universität Paderborn

Troya Becerra, J.L. (2018) Long-term wind data correction using Principal Components Analysis, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Abyanaki, M. (2018) Long Term Correction of Icing Data for Predicition of Wind Turbine Icing´s Impact on Power Performance, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Ahmed, W. (2018) Characterization of the flow field inside a boundary-layer wind tunnel with two synchronized Lidars, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Credet, H. (2018) Data Filtering and validation of plan position indicator scans by pulsed scanning Doppler wind Lidar, Bachelor Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Goyal, K. (2018) Investigation of Status Codes of Wind Power Plants for the Analysis of Reliability and Operating Behaviour, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Hulsman, P. (2018) Power Production and Turbine Response during Yaw-Based Wind Farm Control, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Lange, L. (2018) Dimensionierung eines Inselnetzes anhand repräsentativer Lastgänge, Bachelor Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Mayorca, M. (2018) Assessment of wake dynamics in wind farms with wind turbines under yaw offset conditions, through implementation in Star-CCM+ of actuator line model, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Modrakowski, E. (2018) Die Unsicherheit des Langzeitbezugs - eine Abschätzung der Einflüsse von Datenquellen und Abgleichzeitraum, Bachelor Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Ritter, K. (2018) Analysis of load distribution within a wind farm due to wake effects for non-neutral atmospheric condition, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Theuer, F. (2018) Wind gust parameterization at hub height and their impact on power prediction, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Thorne, M. (2018) Extending the HLS Performance model to analyse the reaction, Bachelor Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Tsz Yan Kwok (Ellen). (2018) Internal boundary-layer modelling: roughness sensitivity and uncertainty, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University

Theses 2017

Assam E. M. (2017) Feed Forward Control of a 7,5 MW Smart Blades Wind Turbine using a Linear Kalman Filter. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. M. Sc.

Giron C. (2017) Optimization of the Wind Energy Production Through Efficient Portfolios. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. M. Sc.

Roß A. (2017) Situational activation of Load Mitigation Concepts for a Commercial Offshore Wind Turbine. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. M. Sc.

Schödler J. (2017) Identification of wind turbine production losses due to icing using neural net-works. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. M. Sc.

Reckweg L. (2017) Extraction of Modal Parameters of a Rotor Blade. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, B.Sc.

Theses 2016

Barnhoorn, J. (2016). Turbulence Estimation from a Continuous-Wave Scanning Lidar. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. M. Sc.

Hempen, C. (2016). Shut Down Procedures for Wind Turbines with Smart Blades. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. M. Sc.

Iywer, S. (2016) Assessing and Minimizing the Sampling Errors in Dual-Doppler Remote Sens-ing Data. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. M. Sc.

Plut, M. (2016 A comparison of two approches for the representation of wind farms in WRF dru-ing stable atmospheric conditions. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. M. Sc.

Schröder, L. (2016) Sceening potential areas and techno-economic assessment of wind farms for the planning aof Danish offshore wind energy. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. M. Sc.

Steiner, J. (2016). Analysis of the Effect of Wind Turbine Yaw Misalignment on the Turbine Wake Path by Lidar Wake Tracking. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Germany, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. M. Sc.

Schillebeckx, D. (2016) Sensivity Testing and Technical Implementation of Mesoscale Generalization Procedure for the WRF Model. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. M. Sc.

Theuer, F. (2016) Development of a Pressure Model in the Wake of Wind Turbines. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. B. Eng.

Theses 2015

Alemans, L. (2015). Reliability-based model for steel structures inspection planning. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Germany, Carl v. Ossietzky University. M. Sc.
Astudillo, F. (2015). Assessment of engineering wake models available in WindPro for prediction of energy yield at onshore wind farms. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Germany, Carl v. Ossietzky University. M. Sc.
Carreño, D. (2015). Optimization of Preventive Maintenance for Onshore Wind Energy Converters. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Germany, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. M. Sc.
Hieronimus, J. (2015). Wind speed measurements in an offshore wind farm by remote sensing. A comparison of radar satellite TerraSAR-X and ground-based LiDAR systems. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Germany, Carl v. Ossietzky University. M. Sc.
Martínez, R. A. (2015). Design and Verification of Risk Management Methodologies for its Application in the Wind Industry. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems, University of Oldenburg. M. Sc.
Miryeganeh, A. (2015). Off-shore Wind Turbine Tower Control by Applying an Optimal Control Technique. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Bremen, Germany, University of Bremen. M. Sc.
Prakash, G. (2015). Investigation of a Condition-Monitoring approach for wind turbine power converters based on insulation resistance measurements. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Germany, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. M. Sc.
Reepschläger, L. (2015). Systematische Analyse technischer Risiken im Betrieb von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen als Grundlage für die Bewertung des Instandhaltungsprozesses. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Germany, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. B. Sc.
Rowlinson, B. (2015). Wind Turbine Standstill Instability Analysis. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Germany, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. M. Sc.
Seifert, J. K. (2015). Investigation of the Effect of Wind Direction Dynamics and Measurement Errors on Active Wake. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Germany, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. M. Sc.
Vali, M. (2015). Controller design for a wind turbine with bend-twist coupled blades. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Bremen, Germany, University of Bremen. M. Sc.
Vernekar, V. (2015). Grid codes variant and implementation strategy for country specific requirements. Institute of Physics - Wind Energy Systems. Oldenburg, Germany, Carl v. Ossietzky University. M. Sc

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