
The Office of the Dean of Studies is responsible for all matters relating to studies and teaching.

Enquiries about the degree programmes should be addressed to:

Hearing Technology and Audiology (M.Sc.)

Human Medicine (StEx)

Molecular Biomedicine (M.Sc.)

Neurocognitive psychology (M.Sc.)

Neuroscience (M.Sc.)

Physics, Medicine and Technology (B.&M.Sc.)

Health Services Research (M.Sc.)

You can reach the Dean of Studies
Prof. Dr. Karsten Witt by e-mail:

Teaching Award

To encourage teachers in their commitment to good university teaching, the Teaching Prize is awarded at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg. You can find more information here:

Teaching Award

Studies & Teaching

The Teaching Mission Statement of the School VI Medicine and Health Sciences

School VI educates students in medicine as well as in other degree programmes that belong to the health and life sciences and related natural science disciplines. All these subjects are characterised by the close connection between scientific research and practical application. The aim of the education is therefore to impart both the ability to work scientifically on one's own and to act in a responsible professional manner.[...]

News from the area of studies and teaching

Participate@UOL an der Fakultät VI

How can students and teachers shape university teaching together?

This is one of the central questions of the university-wide project participate@UOL. The participation of students and teachers is to be strengthened through the use of innovative digital formats, the strengthening of language awareness in university teaching and the consideration of student lifeworlds.

Why digital teaching methods?

The university thrives on face-to-face teaching, and the sudden complete digitalisation during the Corona pandemic demanded a lot from teachers and students. At the same time, digital teaching and learning formats have emerged during this time that offer added value and promote learning success. The possibility of offering events simultaneously online and in presence (hybrid teaching) creates flexibility, live voting in lectures promotes interaction; teaching videos, podcasts and self-learning units train self-regulated learning and leave more time for practical examples in presence events.

We want to build on this knowledge and use it to develop new concepts to accompany face-to-face teaching with digital methods in a meaningful way.

Participate@UOL at School VI

In future, training courses and workshops on digital applications will be offered at our faculty, and there will be the possibility of individual consultation on digital teaching and innovative teaching concepts. In cooperation with the Medical Didactics Department, a website with a lot of information on digital teaching methods and a podcast has already been created.

The Stud.IP project Digital Teaching School VI is available to all teachers. After registering without obligation, you will find up-to-date information on using Stud.IP and other useful suggestions and ideas on digital teaching.

In addition, a "Teaching Lab" is being set up, where we offer mobile accessories for digital and hybrid teaching such as tripods, cameras and microphones and are happy to support teachers in their use. As part of the project, a "Learning Lab" is being set up in the Haarentor library for students to get to know and try out technology and methods. In addition, digital study support services in the form of information videos are being developed alongside cross-faculty workshops on the topics of participation and digitalisation at the faculty. As a new teaching concept, we are currently testing a virtual emergency room, where students are supported with VR (virtual reality) glasses in learning clinical procedures and the process of making a diagnosis.

Oldenburger Interprofessionelle Ausbildungsstation (OLIPSTA)

At Oldenburg Hospital, the first interprofessional training station (OLIPSTA) was established with the participation of the Nursing Directorate, the University Clinic for General and Visceral Surgery, the Education Centre at Oldenburg Hospital and the Dean of Studies of Faculty VI Oldenburg. Here, students of human medicine, nursing trainees and physiotherapy trainees learn together in practical assignments in the clinic. They independently take over the care of patients in a ward area and independently organise the daily routine in the ward. You will be supported by specially trained learning guides.


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