Course Evaluations

Course evaluations constitute an important part of a comprehensive teaching evaluation, whose goal is to continuously improve the quality of academic experience at the University of Oldenburg by giving students a chance to share their perspectives on the quality of courses and instruction.

Course evaluations – how do they work?

Course evaluations at the University of Oldenburg play a central role in assuring the quality of teaching and learning. They allow students to give anonymous feedback to instructors at the end of the course and provide ideas  on how courses can be improved. In the video below (currently only in German), you can learn in more detail about course evaluations—how they are administered, how instructors can customize them, and how the results are finally used.

Course evaluations on smart phones and other mobile devices

Students can fill out the online evaluation form on their mobile devices (smart phones, tablets, laptops) in class. This can be done by logging in through the browser to their Stud.IP account and then filling out the survey. The option to fill out the evaluation at home is still available. 

Getting in-class feedback offers many advantages. For instance, instructors can view and discuss results directly in class as soon as (at least five) students have completed the evaluation form.


Viewing the results

For more information on how to view the results and how to give students in your course and/or the Dean of Students access to the evaluation results, see this guide (currently available only in German).


Course evaluation tutorial for students

Instructors who wish to inform students about online-based evaluation can use this PowerPoint presentation (download here, currently available only in German), which provides step-by-step instructions for filling out the evaluation form through Stud.IP.


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