Master and doctoral thesis
Prof. Dr. Klaus Fichter
Formal instructions for the preparation of seminar papers, Bachelor's and Master's theses[Download].
Master and doctoral thesis
At the moment, we are unfortunately unable to supervise theses until further notice due to capacity constraints.
Published Master's theses
Bernd Heimann:
Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education: Nachhaltige Schülerfirmen als Ansatz zur Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung im Fach Politik-Wirtschaft [Download]
Mattis Bläsing:
Der Stellenwert grüner Technologien in Technologie- und Gründerzentren in Niedersachsen und Baden-Württemberg [Download]
Kamil Frontczak:
Sustainable Business Plan – Start-ups und Nachhaltigkeit [Download]
Lisa Chichowitz:
Gründungsförderung in der Green Economy. Besonderheiten grüner Energiegründungen und daraus resultierende Anforderungen an Inkubatoren. [Download]
The research work of the adjunct professorship Innovation Management and Sustainability focuses on theoretical questions of evolutionary economics and interaction economics as well as empirical and application-related aspects of innovation management, the generation of sustainability innovations and "green" future markets as well as environmentally oriented entrepreneurship (eco-entrepreneurship).
Doctoral theses are supervised in the above-mentioned fields.