Andreas Winter

Andreas Winter

Prof. Dr. Andreas Winter


Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg

Faculty II
Department of Computer Science
Software Engineering

26111 Oldenburg

Building / Room

Uhlhornsweg 84 — Room A2 2-225


+49 441 798-2992


+49 441/798-2196


Since September 2009 Andreas Winter chairs the Software Engineering Group at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg . Currently, he teaches lectures and seminars on software engineering foundations, requirements engineering and management, software architecture, and software analysis and transformation.

Prior to his appointment in Oldenburg, Andreas Winter was affiliated with University of Koblenz, Germany , where he received his PhD, with Johannes-Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany, where he acted as a substitute for the chair of Software Engineering , and with University of Waterloo, Canada, where he joined the Software Architecture Group.

Among others, Andreas Winter was involved in the development of GUPRO, a generic, meta-model based framework for program comprehension and in the design of GXL , a graph-based interchange language to provide interoperability of graph-based (reengineering) tools. Current research topics include software-engineering, meta-modeling and transformation, service-oriented tool interoperability, software migration and software-(re-)engineering processes. The SOAMIG-project, funded by BMBF, which is accomplished in strong cooperation withAmadeus Germany, Bad Homburg, Pro et con, Chemnitz, and Institute for Software Technology at University of Koblenz, deals with the model-driven identification and migration of legacy assets into service oriented architectures. At OFFIS Institute for Information Technology he serves as chairperson of the Technology Cluster "Software Engineering and Enterprise Architecture".

Andreas Winter served in programm and organization committees of various national and international software engineering and reengineering conferences and workshops. He is chairperson of the software-reengineering interest group of the German computer society (GI-SRE), where he co-organizes the german Workshop series on Software-Reengineering (WSR). Andreas is member in the Steering Committees of the International Conference on Software Language Engineering and the European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering .

Supervised theses at the University of Koblenz can be found here .

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