Promotion (2023)

Dr. Björn Bartram (2023)

Field of research

From "Nano" to Green Chemistry: Didactic conceptualization of current research topics for schools and student laboratories

Short vita

  • 1993 born in Goslar
  • 2012: High school diploma in Goslar
  • Studied math & chemistry teaching at the TU Braunschweig
  • 2017: Master of Education
  • since November 2017: Research assistant at the TU Braunschweig
  • since 2017: Supervision at the Agnes Pockels student laboratory (TU Braunschweig)
  • since April 2020: Research assistant at the FSU Jena
  • since August 2022: Student trainee at MK Braunschweig, STS Braunschweig
  • June 2023: Successful defense of the dissertation


  • B. Bartram, T. Wilke, M. Wejner, "Synthesis and analysis of Nanoparticles with the low-cost measuring system LabPi", New Perspectives in Science Education 2022, accepted.
  • B. Bartram, T. Wilke, "From the household into the environment: Release and detection of silver nanoparticles from everyday materials" in: Nanotechnology in the Context of Education, 2022, Waxmann, ISBN 978-3-8309-4453-9, 79-88.
  • B. Bartram, T. Wilke: "Nanomaterials in cancer therapy - a model experiment for chemistry education", New Perspectives in Science Education 2021, Filodiritto Editore, ISBN: 979-12-80225-14-6, 81-86.
  • B. Bartram, R. Saadat & T. Wilke (2020): Customized functional materials: synthesis of polymers with nano-additives, Nachr. Chem., 9 (68), 18-20 | Link
  • B. Bartram & T. Wilke (2020): Synthesis and application of nanocomposites with tailored properties for school chemistry education, New Perspectives in Science Education 2020, pp. 64-69. | ISBN: 978-88-85813-90-8
  • R. Saadat, B. Bartram & T. Wilke (2019): Made to Measure: Easy Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocomposites with Tailored Functionalities for School Chemistry Education. W. J. Chem. Ed., 2 (7), pp. 65-71. link
  • T. Wilke, B. Bartram, S. Karrie, M. Korte, R. Köster, M. Walter & M. Wejner: Teach Chemistry Forward: An Innovative Course Concept for Universities and Schools, New Perspectives in Science Education, Conference Proceedings 2018, pp. 334-338. | ISSN: 2420-9732
  • T. Wilke, B. Bartram, C. Kostrewa & R. Saadat (2018): Small additives with a big impact - Customized synthesis of plastic composites by nanotechnology. UC 164 (28), pp. 16-19 | Link
  • B. Bartram & T. Wilke (2018): From research to school - Designing a cross-curricular summer school on nanotechnology through didactic transfer research in: Theory and Practice in Tension, edited by K. Fereidooni, K. Hein, K. Kraus, Waxmann, Münster, pp. 67-82. | ISBN: 978-3-8309-3921-4

Lectures, workshops & important work

Talks & Posters:

  • Björn Bartram, Manuel Weijner: Synthesis and Analysis of Nanoparticles with the Low-cost Measuring System LabPi (New Perspectives in Science Education, Florence, 2022), accepted.
  • Björn Bartram & Manuel Wejner: Labpi meets Nano - Spectrometric analysis of silver nanoparticles with low-cost technology, Poster. (37th GDCh Advanced Training and Lecture Conference of the Division of Chemistry Education, 2021).
  • B. Bartram & T. Wilke: Pro-Science: Synthesis and Application of Nanocomposites with Tailored Properties for School Chemistry Education (New Perspectives in Science Education, Florence, 2021), accepted.
  • B. Bartram & T. Wilke: Small particles, big opportunities? Nanotechnology in school and student labs (GDCh colloquium, University of Rostock, 2021), invited
  • B. Bartram, T. Wilke: Antimicrobial, break-resistant, magnetic - nanocomposites with diverse properties for schools and student labs (GDCh Science Forum, Aachen 2019).
  • M. Wejner & T. Wilke: From nanotechnology to digital data acquisition: Two chemical didactic impulses for schools, student laboratories and universities (GDCh Colloquium, University of Osnabrück, 2019), invited.
  • T. Wilke, B. Bartram, M. Wejner, H. Menzel & M. D. Walter: Teach Chemistry Forward (Tag der Lehre, Braunschweig, 2018).
  • T. Wilke, B. Bartram, M. Wejner & M. D. Walter: Teach Chemistry Forward - Aus der Forschung in die Schule (35th GDCh Advanced Training and Lecture Conference of the Division of Chemistry Education, Karlsruhe, 2018), GDCh Poster Prize 2018
  • T. Wilke: Experiments on nanotechnology: Fascinating - Fluorescent - Innovative (18th Curie Minisymposium, Hanover, 2018), invited.
  • B. Bartram & T. Wilke: Kunststoffe 2.0 - Synthese und Eigenschaften von Polymeren mit Nanoadditiven (MNU-Tag Hannover, 2018), invited.
  • B. Bartram & T. Wilke: From the household into the environment - release and detection of silver nanoparticles from everyday materials (65th Bremerhaven MNU Regional Conference Bremerhaven, 2018).
  • B. Bartram & T. Wilke: Kleine Additive, große Wirkung - Polymereigenschaften nach Maß durch Nanoadditive (35. GDCh Fortbildungs- und Vortragstagung der Fachgruppe Chemieunterricht, Karlsruhe, 2018).
  • B. Bartram & T. Wilke: From day course to summer school - A modular course concept on the topic of "nano" for schools and student laboratories (GDCh Wissenschaftsforum Chemie, Berlin, 2017).
  • B. Bartram, H. Trautmann, M. Wejner & T. Wilke: Zwischen Fachwissenschaft und Schule - Chemiedidaktische Forschung zum Thema Nanotechnologie (Physikalisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, Braunschweig, 2017).

Workshops & further education:

  • B. Bartram & T. Wilke: Small particles, big opportunities? Nanotechnology in schools and student labs (GDCh colloquium, University of Rostock, 2021), invited
  • B. Bartram, T. Wilke: Antimicrobial, break-resistant, magnetic - nanocomposites with diverse properties for schools and student laboratories (GDCh Science Forum, Aachen 2019).
  • M. Wejner & T. Wilke: From nanotechnology to digital data acquisition: Two chemical didactic impulses for schools, student laboratories and universities (GDCh Colloquium, University of Osnabrück, 2019), invited.
  • T. Wilke, B. Bartram, C. Kostrewa & R. Saadat (2018): Experimental file: plastic additives - size matters! UC 164 (28), PP. 49-50.
  • B. Bartram, N. Paterson & T. Wilke: Small particles - big impact: Nanotechnology as an innovative subject area for chemistry lessons (2nd MINT-Fachtag 2018, TU Braunschweig).
  • T. Wilke, J. Osterloh, B. Bartram & E. Irmer: Nanotechnology in chemistry lessons (Teacher training, 2018).
  • T. Wilke: Experiments on nanotechnology: Fascinating - Fluorescent - Innovative (18th Curie Minisymposium, Hanover, 2018), invited.
  • B. Bartram & T. Wilke: Kunststoffe 2.0 - Synthese und Eigenschaften von Polymeren mit Nanoadditiven (MNU-Tag Hannover, 2018), invited.
  • B. Bartram & T. Wilke: From the household into the environment - release and detection of silver nanoparticles from everyday materials (65th Bremerhaven MNU Regional Conference Bremerhaven, 2018).
  • B. Bartram & T. Wilke: Kleine Additive, große Wirkung - Polymereigenschaften nach Maß durch Nanoadditive (35. GDCh Fortbildungs- und Vortragstagung der Fachgruppe Chemieunterricht, Karlsruhe, 2018).
  • B. Bartram, N. Ehrlich, C. Härtel, M. Wejner & T. Wilke: Leuchtend, Lehrreich, Laut - Chemische Experimente von Weihnachten bis Silvester (GDCh JCF Weihnachtsvorlesung, Braunschweig, 2017).
  • B. Bartram, H. Trautmann, M. Wejner & T. Wilke: Zwischen Fachwissenschaft und Schule - Chemiedidaktische Forschung zum Thema Nanotechnologie (Physikalisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, Braunschweig, 2017)
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