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In the area of Bachelor's degree programmes, the Environmental Sciences (B.Sc.) and Sustainability Economics (B.Sc.) programmes in particular have a special sustainability orientation.

Environmental Sciences B.Sc.

The Bachelor of Environmental Sciences combines the subjects of environment, natural sciences and environmental planning. Students acquire basic knowledge in mathematics and natural and environmental sciences and deal with marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Building on this, they can expand their knowledge in analytics, modelling, ecology, oceanography, microbiology, planning and landscape ecology. The study programme aims to impart specialised knowledge and methodological, practical and social skills in the environmental sciences. In doing so, students learn how to assess environmental science topics and how to deal with problems in a responsible manner. In the Bachelor of Environmental Sciences, a broad social commitment of the students is promoted, among other things due to the interdisciplinary nature of the degree programme.

About the degree programme

Sustainability Economics B.Sc.

The degree programme in sustainability economics deals with future issues in the areas of economy, environment and energy. The Bachelor's programme addresses the areas of globalisation, economic growth, energy supply and unemployment, with a special focus on economic methods. These methods are used to analyse various aspects of the topic of sustainability and to develop options for action for actors in the economy and politics. Specifically, topics such as climate change, species extinction, poverty, growing inequality worldwide and the excessive consumption of natural resources are dealt with. In in-depth/advanced modules and in the professionalisation area, students gain more in-depth knowledge in various aspects of sustainability.

To the degree programme

The professionalisation area offers students the opportunity to acquire individual specialisations and interdisciplinary competences outside their subject area. The professionalisation programme also includes subject areas and modules with explicit sustainability relevance, bringing together students from different disciplines.

PB Sustainability

The programme is studied to the extent of 12 CP and consists of the following modules:

  • pb132 Introduction to Sustainability
  • pb194 Textiles and Sustainability: Fashion - Media - Marketing
  • pb390 Renewable raw materials - bio-economic and technical-chemical use
  • pb399 Fields of Action in Sustainability Science

Module pb132 is compulsory. In addition, one of the modules pb194, p390 and pb399 must be selected. The successful completion of module pb132 is a prerequisite for taking pb399.

Students who began their studies before the winter semester 2021/22 and who have already successfully completed the modules pb191 and/or pb213 according to the previous regulations can complete the programme according to the regulations previously applicable to them.

PB Sustainability and Textiles

The programme is studied to the extent of 12 or 18 CP and consists of the following modules:

  • pb073 ecostyles
  • mkt275 Textile Ecology, Consumer Protection and Sustainability Project
  • pb132 Introduction to Sustainability
  • pb194 Textiles and Sustainability: Fashion - Media - Marketing

If you wish to study the programme to the extent of 12 credits, take pb073 and one of the modules pb132 / pb194.

If you wish to study the programme for 18 credits, take pb073 and mkt275 and one of the modules pb132 / pb194.


Master Cluster "Environment and Sustainability

The Master Cluster "Environment and Sustainability" comprises a broad spectrum of transdisciplinary research programmes in the fields of sustainability, environment and renewable energies. The degree programmes are research- and application-oriented and have a strong international focus. The master cluster is coordinated by the Centre for Environmental and Sustainability Research COAST.

European Master in Renewable Energy (EUREC)

Carl von Ossietzky University is one of the leading universities internationally in the field of renewable energies. The EUREC Agency cooperates with eight leading European universities that operate on an international level. The European Master in Renewable Energy trains students in the field of renewable energies. To this end, students acquire knowledge of the fundamentals of renewable energy technologies and deal with socio-economic issues surrounding their use. In the further course of the programme, students specialise in one technology and participate in a project in a company, the results of which are finally presented in Brussels.

To the degree programme

Landscape Ecology (LÖK)

The Master of Landscape Ecology is designed to be both research and practice-oriented and deals with the analysis of complex ecological relationships as a basis for ecological research and environmental precaution. Within this framework, students acquire various methods of recording, measuring, evaluating, modelling, assessing and planning. Students can specialise in the areas of functional ecology, restitution ecology, animal and plant ecology, soil and hydrogeoecology, water ecology, environmental planning and nature conservation. Qualities such as structured, theory- and hypothesis-based thinking, methodological and social skills as well as skills in communication and teamwork are promoted.

To the study programme

Marine Environmental Sciences (MUWI)

The Master Marine Environmental Sciences is research-oriented and deals with the biological, physical and chemical processes in marine ecosystems. Students learn analytical methods in the internationally active working groups of the institute and are given the opportunity to conduct independent research on current projects during their studies. Students are taught skills for the analysis of complex environmental systems and the application of knowledge in environmental management. The basis for this is the environmental and scientific education of this Master's degree with a focus on natural offshore and coastal systems. The degree programme is unique in Germany in this form.

To the degree programme

Postgraduate Programme Renewable Energy (PPRE)

The Renewable Energy postgraduate programme is internationally oriented and localised at the Institute of Physics. After graduation, students should have comprehensive knowledge about the use of renewable energy sources and their application, especially in developing countries. For this purpose, among other things, physical principles of renewable energy systems, the "technical realisation and economic conditions for the use of renewable energies, [the] practical testing of components of decentralised energy supply systems [and the] analysis and planning of concrete decentralised energy supply projects (case studies)" are taught.

To the degree programme

Sustainability Economics and Management

The Master's programme in Sustainability Economics and Management takes a closer look at problems such as global warming, loss of biodiversity, epidemics and poverty in order to address current ecological and social challenges from a socio-economic perspective. This degree programme trains experts in sustainability. Founded in 2006, the "Oldenburg Center for Sustainability Economics and Management (CENTOS) serves as an interface to sustainability research. Possible specialisations in the Master's programme are Eco-Entrepreneurship, Environmental and Spatial Planning, Business and Environmental Informatics, Marketing and Economics. The modules contribute to linking environmental and sustainability aspects in economics, business administration and in the social and natural sciences.

About the programme

Environmental Modelling (UMMO)

The Master's degree programme Environmental Modelling is research-oriented and interdisciplinary and aims to impart methodological and strategic competences in the field of modelling and analysis of environmental systems. To this end, students learn mathematical, scientific, informatic and statistical methods that can be used in environmental research and supply as well as in environmental monitoring. The Master Environmental Modelling includes the development of models, data analysis methods and decision support systems. Methods of modern environmental modelling, environmental data analysis and environmental informatics, which are used in the discipline of sustainable economics, among others, are also part of the curriculum.

To the degree programme

Doctoral programmes

After graduation

Carl von Ossietzky University wants to prepare its students for the professional world in the best possible way. The successes are impressive: 90 % of its graduates are employed after successful graduation (incl. traineeship and doctorate), more than half (55 %) have succeeded in starting a career in less than one month after graduation, a quarter (26 %) within the first three months.3 The university itself offers doctoral programmes, five of which are in the field of sustainability: STEM4 Learning in Informal Spaces (GINT), Environmental Economics and Sustainability Management, Renewable Energy Systems Integration, Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity, and Renewable Energy.

Graduate School of Science, Medicine and Technology (OLTECH)

Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity

The doctoral programme Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity is aimed at young researchers from the fields of mathematics and environmental sciences. The programme includes courses, workshops and international summer schools for doctoral students, in which interdisciplinary cooperation is promoted. The PhD programme enables young researchers to expand their knowledge in the fields of environmental sciences, ecology and systems research in oceans, coastal areas and terrestrial areas. Included in the programme is a working visit to another national or international research institute. In addition, doctoral students can enhance their personal skills through individual training.

To the programme

Renewable Energy

In the interdisciplinary doctoral programme Renewable Energy, scientific and technical issues are considered together with information technology, meteorology and economics. The University of Oldenburg and independent research institutes such as ForWind, NEXT ENERGY and OFFIS are involved. Energy research in Oldenburg focuses on the future of the energy supply system and is made up of interdisciplinary collaborations between various Oldenburg research groups in the ENERiO research network. The scientific profile of the PhD programme Renewable Energy is based on the combination of different scientific disciplines and a strong relationship with industrial and scientific partners.

To the programme

Graduate School for Social Sciences and Humanities (3GO)

Environmental Economics and Sustainability Management (UNA)

The doctoral programme Environmental Economics and Sustainability Management is located in the Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities (3GO) and the Faculty II of Computer Science, Economics and Law at the University of Oldenburg. The aim of this doctoral programme is to deepen interdisciplinary expertise in one's own field of environmental economics and sustainability management as well as in related fields as a basis for one's own research. To this end, interdisciplinary and career-enhancing skills are to be learned that qualify students for international collaboration in current scientific research.

To the programme


GINT (STEM Learning in Informal Spaces)

The four-year doctoral programme "STEM Learning in Informal Spaces - Investigating Research-Based Learning Processes at Out-of-School STEM Learning Sites and Their Embedding in Regional Learning Contexts" was launched in 2016. The 15 doctoral researchers are concerned with the development of out-of-school learning opportunities. Among other things, they are investigating the implementation of learning opportunities at extracurricular learning sites as well as the integration of extracurricular educational opportunities in school lessons. In addition to the Carl von Ossietzky University, the universities of Hanover, Vechta, Odense (Denmark) and Rethymno (Greece) as well as around 15 extracurricular educational institutions (in particular regional environmental education centres, Wadden Sea houses, energy education centres and coastal research institutes) are involved in the programme. Six of the 15 doctorates have already been successfully defended.

To the programme

System Integration of Renewable Energies (SEE)

The doctoral programme System Integration of Renewable Energies focuses on the integration of renewable energy sources into the power grid. Energy research is an outstanding research focus at the University of Oldenburg. The programme is about investigating renewable energies with regard to an environmentally compatible, secure and economic energy supply.

Further training opportunities

Offer from C3L on sustainable development

In the continuing education programmes of theC3L - Center for Lifelong Learningsustainability has had a central place for years. While individual modules deal specifically with the (operational) field of action of sustainability management (as in theBachelor's programme Business Administrationin medium-sized companies and in theMaster's programme in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship), the topic has also found its way into many other modules: Aspects such as climate change and social responsibility are taken up, but also organisational change and business model development are considered from a sustainability perspective.

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