
Head of division

Prof. Dr. Bernd T. Meyer

+49 441 798 3280

W2 2-260

Administrative Support

Jessica Jurado Garcia

+49 441 798 3003

+49 441 798 3902

W2 1-169

Postal address

Communication Acoustistic, Fk. VI
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany

How to find us

Alexa, test my hearing

This page provides information about our Alexa skill that can be used to perform a listening test at home. The skill is currently available in German. A description on how to use it can be found on this page (in German). 

The skill automatically conducts the Oldenburg Sentence Test, which is usually performed by an ENT physician to test how well you can recognize speech in noise. Our test is not as accurate as its clinical counterpart, but the deviations of the measurements are in the range of 1 dB and therefore rather accurate for a screening that can be performed in each living room with a smart speaker. 


  • Ooster, J., Krüger, M., Bach, J.B., Wagener, K.C., Kollmeier, B., Meyer, B.T. (2020). "Speech audiometry at home: Automated listening tests via smart speakers with normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners," accepted for publication in Trends in Hearing.
  • Ooster, J., Porysek Moreta, P. N., Bach, J.-H., Holube, I., Meyer, B.T. (2019). "Computer, test my hearing: Accurate speech audiometry with smart speakers," in Proc. Interspeech,

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