Past Conferences & Workshops

Past Conferences & Workshops

Past Software Engineering Workshops

2013    2012    2011   


The third EASED workshop will be held at the 43. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI). It follows up the Workshop on Developing Energy Aware Software Systems (EASED@BUIS 2013). The EASED workshop is a 1-day-workshop which will take place with the workshop "UINW - Umweltinformatik zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Wandel". These workshops allow to present and discuss ongoing work, latest results, and common topics of interest regarding the improvement of software induced energy consumption.


The first ExploIT Dynamics - PhD Workshop together with Students from Voronezh State University, Russia, takes place in Oldenburg at OFFIS and Carl von Ossietzky University on December 07, 2012.


The European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR), the premier European conference on the theory and practice of maintenance, reengineering and evolution of software systems, promotes discussion and interaction among researchers and practitioners about the development of maintainable systems, and the evolution, migration and reengineering of existing ones. We invite people from industry, industrial research and academia to submit papers or experience reports.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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