

Software Engineering for Energy Efficiency

Begin: 01.01.2012
End: 31.12.2014


Prof. Dr. Andreas Winter
M.Sc. Jan Jelschen
M.Sc. Johannes Meier
(until 15.03.2012) (student)

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency has become more important in recent years. This is shown by the development of engery consumption of information and communication technology (ICT). In 2007, 10 % of the german energy consumption was generated by ICT. This trend is predicted to rise. Futhermore battery development cannot keep up with the ubiquitous and powerful mobile devices.

Research on hardware and low level software optimizations has been comprehensively explored. But the research on optimizing energy consumption on application level is still in its infancy. So in this project should be improved Energy Efficiency of applications by using reengineering services, like static and dynamic program analysis, and systematic code transformations.

Research Questions

Energy-Efficient Applications" is embedded to the University of Oldenburg, Department of Computing Sciences, research foci "Information Technology and Energy Efficiency" and "ExploIT Dynamics". Whereas "Information Technology and Energy Efficiency" defines the research domain, scientific approach and technologies are determined by "ExploIT Dynamics". The research questions in this project are:

  • Energy consumption: Empowering applications to pass on energy-related information to operating system for smarter power management. Also identifying opportunities in software for better hardware utilization. Also one can take user behavior into account for choosing an energy-optimal strategy and identify futher opportunities by measuring and analyzing.
  • Energy-consuming components: The energy consumption of single components has to be established, along with the degree of control the operating system or running applications have over their state. Then, applications would need to make information available to power management, regarding required components.
  • Scheduling: With additional knowledge about the running applications, their current and future performance requirements, further optimization can be achieved.
  • Energy-Awareness: With the information about the current energy-state of the hardware components, and the usage context (other running applications and the services they demand) applications could make purposeful decisions to conserve energy.

Reengineering Services

The described research questions could be solved with the following reengineering services:

  • Energy consumption: To reduce energy consumption quantify, and certify energy efficiency of code should be detected. So code patterns and code smell detection for applying refactorings can be used to optimize the code. Also, the gather knowledge about running applications to make predictions regarding the system's behavior, helps to reduce the energy consumption.
  • Energy-consumption components: An energy model can be established by an application at run-time with energy information of the different components. This can be coupled by dynamic analysis, e.g. recording execution traces to match usage scenarios to energy usage.
  • Scheduling in mobile computing: Reengineering services can be used to collect these data, e.g. by monitoring running applications using code instrumentation. The resulting information is further analyzed for patterns, both of a single application, and between different applications running at the same time. This should avoid repeated wake ups from sleep states.
  • Application usage analysis for energy-awareness: Application usage analysis aims at monitoring user activity and exploiting detected usage patterns for energy optimization. This make the application aware of energy status and usage.

Energy Management

To optimize the energy management of mobile devices, an energy abstraction layer can be embedded to the architectur. This layer is an abstract, platform-independent specification for measurement and management. Here, the application's and system's behavior are measured. Afterwards, the application's and system's behaivior are managed. Also a basic Energy API for aggregated functionality is provided.


Completed Theses


[incollection]   BibTeX
Cover ; Jelschen, Jan; Winter, Andreas:
Refactorings for Energy Efficiency,
In: Marx Gómez, Jorge; Sonnenschein, Michael; Vogel, Ute; Winter, Andreas; Rapp, Barbara; Giesen, Nils (eds):
Refactorings for Energy Efficiency;Advances and New Trends in Environmental and Energy Informatics, Progress in IS, Springer International Publishing, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2016.
[masterThesis]   BibTeX    Paper PaperAbstract
Saksonov, Andrey:
Method to Derive Energy Profiles for Android Platform, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, 32014.
[inproceedings]   BibTeX    Paper Paper
Cover Meier, Johannes; Ostendorp, Marie-Christin; Jelschen, Jan; Winter, Andreas:
Certifying Energy Efficiency of Android Applications,
In: Marx Gómez, Jorge; Sonnenschein, Michael; Vogel, Ute; Winter, Andreas; Rapp, Barbara; Giesen, Nils (eds):
EnviroInfo, Information and Communication Technology for Energy Efficiency, 2014, pp. 765-770, Oldenburg, Germany, September 2014.
[inproceedings]   BibTeX    Paper Paper
Cover Strokova, Veronika; Sapegin, Sergey; Winter, Andreas:
Cloud Computing for Mobile Devices - Reducing Energy Consumption,
In: Gómez, Jorge Marx; Sonnenschein, Michael; Vogel, Ute; Winter, Andreas; Rapp, Barbara; Giesen, Nils (eds):
EnviroInfo, Information and Communication Technology for Energy Efficiency, 2014, pp. 453-460, Oldenburg, Germany, September 2014.
[inproceedings]   BibTeX    Paper Paper
Cover Gottschalk, Marion; Jelschen, Jan; Winter, Andreas:
Saving Energy on Mobile Devices by Refactoring,
In: Gómez, Jorge Marx; Sonnenschein, Michael; Vogel, Ute; Winter, Andreas; Rapp, Barbara; Giesen, Nils (eds):
EnviroInfo, Information and Communication Technology for Energy Efficiency, 2014, pp. 437-444, Oldenburg, Germany, September 2014.
[proceedings]   BibTeX
Cover Gómez, Jorge Marx; Sonnenschein, Michael; Vogel, Ute; Winter, Andreas; Rapp, Barbara; Giesen, Nils (eds):
28th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection: ICT for Energy Effieciency, EnviroInfo 2014 , ISBN 978-3-8142-2317-9, Oldenburg, Germany, September 2014.
[masterThesis]   BibTeX    Paper PaperAbstract
Strokova, Veronika:
Cloud computing for mobile devices: Reducing energy consumption, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, March 2014.
[article]   BibTeX    Paper Paper
Cover Ostendorp, Marie-Christin; Meier, Johannes; Bauer, Alex; Kregel, Dennis; Tammen, Kai; Zay, Alexandru:
Projektgruppe Energieeffiziente Applikationen, In: Software Engineering 2014, Students Program, pp. 1-2, February 2014.
[masterThesis]   BibTeX    Paper PaperAbstract
Gottschalk, Marion:
Energy Refactorings, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, October 2013.
[inproceedings]   BibTeX    Paper Paper
Cover ; Jelschen, Jan; Winter, Andreas:
Energy-Efficient Code by Refactoring, In: Softwaretechnik Trends, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 23-24, Bonn, Gesellschaft für Informatik, May 2013.
[article]   BibTeX
Cover Josefiok, Mirco; Schröder, Marcel; Winter, Andreas:
An Energy Abstraction Layer for Mobile Computing Devices, vol. 33, no. 2, In: Softwaretechnik-Trends, May 2013.
[proceedings]   BibTeX    Paper Paper
Cover Bunse, Christian; ; Naumann, Stefan; Winter, Andreas (eds):
2nd Workshop EASED@BUIS 2013 - Energy Aware Software-Engineering and Development, no. 4/2013, Oldenburg Lecture Notes on Software Engineering, Carl von Ossietzeky University, Oldenburg, Software-Engineering, Oldenburg, April 2013.
[inproceedings]   BibTeX    Paper Paper
Cover Bunse, Christian; Naumann, Stefan; Winter, Andreas:
Entwicklung und Klassifikation energiebewusster und energieeffizienter Software,
In: Volker, Wohlgemuth; Marx Gómez, Jorge; Corrina, Lang (eds):
IT-gestütztes Ressourcen- und Energiemanagement: Konferenzband zu den 5. BUIS-Tagen, vol. VIII, no. 978-3-642-35029-0, pp. 557-566, Oldenburg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, January 2013.
[inproceedings]   BibTeX    Paper Paper
Cover ; Josefiok, Mirco; Jelschen, Jan; Winter, Andreas:
Removing Energy Code Smells with Reengineering Services,
In: Goltz, Ursula; Magnor, Marcus; Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen; Matthies, Herbert K.; Balke, Wolf-Tilo; Wolf, Lars (eds):
Beitragsband der 42. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), vol. 208, GI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), pp. 105-120, Bonner Köllen Verlag, 2012.
[inproceedings]   BibTeX    Paper Paper
Cover Jelschen, Jan; ; Josefiok, Mirco; Pitu, Cosmin; Winter, Andreas:
Towards Applying Reengineering Services to Energy-Efficient Applications ,
In: Ferenc, Rudolf; Mens, Tom; Cleve, Anthony (eds):
Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, pp. 353-358, IEEE, 2012.
[proceedings]   BibTeX    Paper Paper
Cover Winter, Andreas; Jelschen, Jan (eds):
Energy-Efficient Applications, Seminar-Proceedings. Mit Beiträgen von Marion Gottschalk, Cosmin Pitu, Mirco Josefiok und Michael Falk , no. 3/2012, Oldenburg Lecture Notes on Software Engineering, Carl von Ossietzeky University, Oldenburg, Software-Engineering, Oldenburg, 2012.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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