WP 1 Salt- and freshwater dynamics

WP 1 Salt- and freshwater dynamics

WP1 Salt- and freshwater dynamics

The overall objective of WP 1 „Salt- and fresh water dynamics“ is the consideration of hydrological interactions between surface and subsurface water bodies along the fresh-saltwater interface of coastlines and in the adjoining investigation areas themselves. Here the hydrological processes are modified by special phenomena like tidal range, surges, wave overtopping, surface near groundwater table and backwater effects. This workpackage delivers basis informations to further subprojects like water tables, water balances, soil moisture, saltwater inputs and saltwater concentrations. Due to climate change and rising sea water levels it aims furthermore at adapted water management strategies.

WP 1 is organised in two subprojects:

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p54379en
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