Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maike Schwammberger

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maike Schwammberger


Research Interests:

  • Multi-Lane Spatial Logic
  • (Erweiterungen von) Realzeitautomaten


  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Go to document
    C. Bischopink and M. Schwammberger, "Verification of Fair Controllers for Urban Traffic Manoeuvres at Intersections" in Proc. Formal Methods. FM 2019 International Workshops - Porto, Portugal, October 7-11, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, Part I, 2019.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-54994-7_18
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Go to document
    M. Schwammberger, "Introducing Liveness into Multi-lane Spatial Logic lane change controllers using UPPAAL" in Proc. Proceedings 2nd International Workshop on Safe Control of Autonomous Vehicles, SCAV@CPSWeek 2018, Porto, Portugal, 10th April 2018., 2018.
  • M. Schwammberger, "An abstract model for proving safety of autonomous urban traffic" Theor. Comput. Sci. vol. 744.
    doi: 10.1016/j.tcs.2018.05.028
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Go to document
    M. Schwammberger, "Imperfect Knowledge in Autonomous Urban Traffic Manoeuvres" in Proc. Proceedings First Workshop on Formal Verification of Autonomous Vehicles, FVAV@iFM 2017, Turin, Italy, 19th September 2017., 2017.
    doi: 10.4204/EPTCS.257.7
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Go to document
    E. -R. Olderog and M. Schwammberger, "Formalising a Hazard Warning Communication Protocol with Timed Automata" in Proc. Models, Algorithms, Logics and Tools, 2017.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Hilscher and M. Schwammberger, "An Abstract Model for Proving Safety of Autonomous Urban Traffic" in Proc. Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC), 2016.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-46750-4_16
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Schwammberger, "Properties of Communicating Controllers for Safe Traffic Manoeuvres" in Proc. Proceedings of the Doctoral Symposium of Formal Methods 2015, 2015.


  • [mastersthesis] bibtex
    M. Schwammberger, "Semantik von Controllern für sicheren Fahrspurwechsel" Master's Dissertation , 2014.
  • [misc] bibtex
    M. Schwammberger, Konzeption und Implementierung eines grafikgestützten Systems, das das Faktorisierungsverfahren von Brillhart und Morrison transparent macht.
  • [misc] bibtex
    M. Schwammberger, Faktorisierung mit Kettenbrüchen.
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