
Admissions Office


Location: A12 2-215
E-Mail: pruefungsamt.dez3(at)

Specific Advisory Service (English Department)

Prof. Dr. Martin Butler

Board of Examiners

Prof. Dr. Jörg Peters

Location: A10 1-113
E-Mail: joerg.peters(at)

B.A. Anglistik

B.A. Anglistik

Aims and Qualifications

The Department of English and American Studies offers a three-year programme of study, the B.A. Anglistik, after which students graduate with the degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). The programme will introduce you to a number of topics, methods and theories that are central to scholarly debates and scientific discussions in the field of Anglophone Studies. It is our aim to train your academic and didactic skills as well as your language competence and to provide you with the qualifications necessary to instruct others in the future.

The B.A. Anglistik can be studied in three different versions which vary in the scope of their respective curricula: 60 KP, 30 KP, and 90 KP. Depending on your professional aim, you will have to decide on one of these three options and plan your study path accordingly.


B.A. Anglistik (60 KP version): in combination with a second subject (60 KP)

B.A Students (Study Path: M.Ed. Gymnasium)

Students aiming at this degree will have to obtain a total of 180 KP during their Bachelor programme:

Anglistik 60 KP
Other Subject 60 KP
Applied Studies (PB) 45 KP
B.A. Thesis Module (BAM) [in Anglistik or your other subject] 15 KP
Total 180 KP

In order to obtain your 60 KP you will have to complete the following modules:

Basic Modules:

ang061: Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language      6 KP
ang071: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies 12 KP
ang049: Principles of Language Teaching and Learning 6 KP
ang080: Consolidated Language Skills                                         6 KP
Total                             30 KP


Advanced Modules:

ang311: Advanced Language Skills (mandatory) 6 KP    
ang612-ang615: Literary Studies and Cultural Studies
(choose one: ang612, ang613, ang614, or ang615)
6 KP
ang616-ang618: Linguistics
(choose one: ang616, ang617, or ang618)
6 KP
ang619-ang620: Didactics
(choose one: ang619, or ang620)
6 KP
ang621-ang622, or ang612-ang620: Akzentuierung
(choose one: ang621, ang622, or any ang612-ang620 not previously studied)
6 KP
Total 30 KP


B.A. Students (Study Path: M.Ed. Haupt-/Realschule)

Students aiming at this degree will have to obtain a total of 180 KP during their Bachelor programme:

Anglistik 60 KP
Other Subject 60 KP
Applied Studies (PB) 45 KP
B.A. Thesis Module (BAM) [in Anglistik or your other subject] 15 KP
Total 180 KP

In order to obtain your 60 KP you will have to complete the following

Basic Modules:

ang060: Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language 9 KP
ang070: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies 9 KP
ang049: Principles of Language Teaching and Learning 6 KP
ang080: Consolidated Language Skills 6 KP
Total 30 KP


Advanced Modules:

ang311: Advanced Language Skills (mandatory)                6 KP
ang612-ang615: Literary and Cultural Studies
(choose one: ang612, ang613, ang614, or ang615)
6 KP
ang616-ang618: Linguistics
(choose one: ang616, ang617, or ang618)
6 KP
ang619-ang620: Didactics
(choose one: ang619, or ang620)
6 KP
ang621-ang622, or ang612-ang620: Akzentuierung
(choose one: ang621, ang622, or any ang612-ang620 not previously studied)
6 KP
Total 30 KP


B.A. Students (Study Path: M.Ed. Grundschule)

Students aiming at this degree will have to obtain a total of 180 KP during their Bachelor programme:

Anglistik 60 KP
Other Subject 60 KP
Applied Studies (PB) 45 KP
B.A. Thesis Module (BAM) [in Anglistik or your other subject] 15 KP
Total 180 KP

In order to obtain your 60 KP you will have to complete the following

Basic Modules:

ang060: Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language 9 KP
ang070: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies 9 KP
ang049: Principles of Language Teaching and Learning 6 KP
ang080: Consolidated Language Skills 6 KP
Total 30 KP


Advanced Modules:

ang311: Advanced Language Skills (mandatory)                6 KP
ang612-ang615: Literary and Cultural Studies
(choose one: ang612, ang613, ang614, or ang615)
6 KP
ang616-ang618: Linguistics
(choose one: ang616, ang617, or ang618)
6 KP
ang619-ang620: Didactics
(choose one: ang619, or ang620)
6 KP
ang621-ang622, or ang612-ang620: Akzentuierung
(choose one: ang621, ang622, or any ang612-ang620 not previously studied)
6 KP
Total 30 KP


B.A. Students (Study Path: M.A. English Studies, M.A. Sprachdynamik)

Students aiming at this degree will have to obtain a total of 180 KP during their Bachelor programme:

Anglistik 60 KP
Other Subject 60 KP
Applied Studies (PB) 45 KP
B.A. Thesis Module (BAM) [in Anglistik or your other subject] 15 KP
Total 180 KP

In order to obtain your 60 KP you will have to complete the following

Basic Modules:

ang060: Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language 9 KP
ang070: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies 9 KP
ang049: Principles of Language Teaching and Learning 6 KP
ang080: Consolidated Language Skills 6 KP
Total 30 KP


Advanced Modules:

ang311: Advanced Language Skills (mandatory)                6 KP
ang612-ang615: Literary and Cultural Studies
(choose one: ang612, ang613, ang614, or ang615)
6 KP
ang616-ang618: Linguistics
(choose one: ang616, ang617, or ang618)
6 KP
ang621-ang622, or ang612-ang620: Akzentuierung
(choose two: ang621, ang622, or any ang612-ang620 not previously studied)
12 KP
Total 30 KP
  •  Please note that a Master of Arts (M.A.) does not qualify you for a teaching position at state schools! 


B.A. Anglistik (30 KP version): in combination with a second subject (90 KP)

B.A. Students (Study Path: M.Ed. Wirtschaftspädagogik)

Students aiming at this degree will have to obtain a total of 180 KP during their Bachelor programme:

Anglistik 30 KP
Wirtschaftspädagogik 90 KP
Applied Studies (PB)                              45 KP
B.A. Thesis [not in Anglistik] 15 KP
Total 180 KP

In order to obtain your 30 KP you will have to complete the basic modules only:

Basic Modules:

ang060: Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language 9 KP
ang070: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies 9 KP
ang049: Principles of Language Teaching and Learning 6 KP
ang080: Consolidated Language Skills 6 KP
Total 30KP


B.A. Students (Study Path: M.Ed. Sonderpädagogik)

Students aiming at this degree will have to obtain a total of 180 KP during their Bachelor programme:

Anglistik 30 KP
Sonderpädagogik 90 KP
Applied Studies (PB) 45 KP
B.A. Thesis [not in Anglistik]        15 KP
Total 180 KP

In order to obtain your 30 KP you will have to complete the basic modules only:

Basic Modules:

ang060: Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language 9 KP
ang070: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies 9 KP
ang049: Principles of Language Teaching and Learning 6 KP
ang080: Consolidated Language Skills 6 KP
Total 30KP


B.A. Anglistik (90 KP version): in combination with a second subject (30 KP)

B.A. Studients (Study Path: master programmes other than M.Ed., e.g. M.A. English Studies, M.A. Sprachdynamik)

Students aiming at this degree will have to obtain a total of 180 KP during their Bachelor programme:

Anglistik 90 KP
Other Subject 30 KP
Applied Studies (PB) 45 KP
B.A. Thesis Module (BAM) [in Anglistik]        15 KP
Total 180 KP

In order to obtain your 90 KP you will have to complete the following modules:

Basic Modules:

ang060: Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language 9 KP
ang070: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies 9 KP
ang049: Principles of Language Teaching and Learning 6 KP
ang080: Consolidated Language Skills 6 KP
Total 30KP

Advanced Modules:

ang311: Advanced Language Skills (mandatory)                6 KP
ang612-ang615: Literary and Cultural Studies
(choose one: ang612, ang613, ang614, or ang615)
6 KP
ang616-ang618: Linguistics
(choose one: ang616, ang617, or ang618)
6 KP
ang621-ang622, or ang612-ang620: Akzentuierung
(choose six: ang621, ang622, or any ang612-ang620)
36 KP
ang510: Reseach Module (RM) 6 KP
Total 60 KP
  • Please note that you are allowed to study the same module twice as long as the topics of the single courses you attend do not overlap!


Basic Modules:

ang061: Introduction to Linguistics and the English Language          6 KP
ang071: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies 12 KP
ang049: Principles of Language Teaching and Learning 6 KP
ang080: Consolidated Language Skills 6 KP

Advanced Modules:

ang311: Advanced Language Skills 6 KP
ang612: Periods and Key Figures in Literary and Cultural History 6 KP
ang613: Regional Literatures and Cultures 6 KP
ang614: Genres: Cultural, Historical, and Theoretical Perspectives 6 KP
ang615: Motifs – Themes – Issues (and their Media) 6 KP
ang616: Language Acquisition and Psycholinguistics 6 KP
ang617: Language Variation and Change 6 KP
ang618: The Language System: Functionalist and Systemic Approaches 6 KP
ang619: Contexts of Language Teaching and Learning 6 KP
ang620: Teaching Literature and Culture 6 KP
ang621: Kombinationsmodul 6 KP
ang622: Freies Modul 6 KP


Research Module:

ang510: Research Module (Recherche-Modul)              6 KP


B.A. Thesis Module (BAM):

Bachelor Thesis           12 KP
Colloquium/ Directed Studies 3  KP


General Prerequisites (any of the following):

  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Fachgebundene Hochschulreife
  • Z-Prüfung
  • well-grounded professional background

English Language Certificates (any of the following):

  • Abiturzeugnis (11-points average)
  • CAE (Grade: B)
  • IELTS (6.5 points)
  • TOEFL (iBT: 95 points; computer-based: 250 points; paper-based: 587 points)

Knowledge of Foreign Languages

Knowledge of a foreign language other than English is strongly recommended as students intending to graduate with a Master degree (M.A. or M.Ed.) will have to attest this knowledge to the registrar's office (Prüfungsamt) before registering for their Master thesis.

Stay Abroad

  • BA students later intending to complete a Master of Education  degree (Grund-, Haupt- und Realschule; Gymnasium; Sonderpädagogik; Berufsbildende Schulen) must complete and submit proof of a three-month (twelve-week) stay abroad undertaken during their university studies by the time they submit their master’s thesis. (In particular, it is strongly recommended that those intending to graduate with the degree Master of Education (Grund-, Haupt- und Realschule) complete this stay abroad during the bachelor degree.)
  • A stay abroad is highly recommended for BA students intending to go on to study for the degree Master of Arts (M.A.).
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