
Admissions Office


Location: A12 2-215
E-Mail: pruefungsamt.dez3(at)

Specific Advisory Service (English Department)

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gehring

Board of Examiners

Prof. Dr. Lars Oberhaus

Location: A10 0-019
E-Mail: lars.oberhaus(at)

M.Ed. Gymnasium

M.Ed. Gymnasium

Aims and Qualifications

The Department of English and American Studies offers a two-year programme of study, M.Ed. Gymnasium, after which students will graduate with the degree Master of Education (M.Ed.). This programme marks the second step of the triadic study path outlined above, following consecutively upon the B.A. Anglistik. Upon completion of the M.Ed. Gymnasium, students qualify for the Referendariat and, subsequently, for a teaching position in state schools (Gymnasium).


Students aiming at this degree will have to obtain a total of 120 KP during their Master programme:

Anglistik30 KP
Other Subject30 KP
Bildungswissenschaften18 KP
Praxismodul15 KP
Master Thesis Module (MAM) [in English or in your other subject] 27 KP
Total120 KP

In order to obtain your 30 KP in Anglistik you will have to complete the following modules:

ang932, ang952, ang962, ang972, ang982, ang992
(choose two from the above)
18 KP
ang701: English Language Teaching (mandatory)6 KP
ang900: English Skills for Proficiency (mandatory)6 KP
Total30 KP


Master Modules:

ang932: Language and Society 9 KP
ang701: English Language Teaching 6 KP
ang952: Linguistics and Cognition 9 KP
ang962: General Linguistics: Formal and Functional Linguistics 9 KP
ang972: Culture and Difference 9 KP
ang982: The Canon and Its Margins 9 KP
ang992: Media and Their Markets 9 KP
ang900: English Skills for Proficiency 6 KP

Master Thesis Module:

M.Ed. Thesis      24 KP
Colloquium/ Directed Studies                                          3 KP


  • B.A. in Anglistik

Knowledge of Foreign Languages

  • M.Ed.Gym. students will have to certify knowledge of one foreign language (apart from English) before registering for their Master thesis.

Stay Abroad

  • MEd Gym. students must complete and submit proof of a relevant three-month (twelve-week) stay abroad undertaken during their university studies by the time they register to submit their master’s thesis.
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