Dr. Eduardo Mendel

Dr. Eduardo Mendel

Eduardo Mendel

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E-mail : eduardo.mendel@uni-oldenburg.de

Personal Information


Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg,
Institute of Physics (FK V),

D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany.

Phone: +49 (441) 798 - 3466 / Fax: -3080
Private Phone: +49 (441) 72261.

Research topics in Theoretical Physics

My research interests have dealt mainly with nonperturbative phenomena in Quantum Field Theory, as in lattice Quantum Chromo Dynamics at  finite baryon densities  and temperatures, where attempts are made to obtain nuclear matter from first principles in QCD.

I have also worked on the Feynman  path integral method  in first quantization, where the Grand-canonical system of nucleons  (many fermions) was simulated in order to study the nuclear condensation at high densities. 

Lately we have also developed a new formalism in order to combine real time correlations among observables in subsystems of quantum systems at finite Temperatures. For this we have also developed a method that can solve numerically the needed real-time Green's function based on a discretized version of the Path integral formalism. With this we have seen interesting evolutions for the Probability distribution in time for several simple systems, including ones with tunneling phenomena. In the last few months I have been able to solve the 1+1 dimensional "Quantum Ising Model" for its space-time spin correlation functions at finite T. This model, besides giving  very interesting results for the spin relaxations, is the first case where we can check that this formalism gives a consistent thermodynamic limit. The ultimate hope is to be able to say something about the real time behaviour of Instanton tunneling in net Baryon number generation.

In another project on topological effects  in QFT, we have been able to  observe directly instantons on the lattice with a new method that does not require cooling.

In the past I also worked on a  field strength formulation of gauge theories with the hope that such dual picture could improve the convergence at strong couplings.

You can see my full publication list or access my SLAC list to retrieve them.

Other Research topics

 I have also developed several other projects over several years mainly related to
"Artificial Intelligence" through computational means.

Among them I would like to cite: 

  • An OCR program.

  • A Dynamical Yellow Pages system on the Web.

  • A Dynamical Comments Web application.

  • In the last few years I have developed
    a Text-to-Speech program for people that are
    in danger of loosing their voice... It preserves
    their original natural voice and speaking style,
    and therefore lets them conserve an important
    aspect or their personality...
    For more details read the Web-links:
    Meine eigene Stimme (German)
    Mi propia Voz (Spanish)
(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p51006en
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