Final examination studies


Prof. Dr. Bernd Blasius



University of Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy
Room: W15 2-237
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Straße 9-11
D-26111 Oldenburg

Final examination studies


Mohammed, M. (2022) Species coexistence, spatial distribution, and metacommunity diversity on spatial environmental gradients.

von Prillwitz, K. (2020) Metapopulation dynamics in spatially extended food webs

Tsakalakis, I. (2019) Importance of spatial and temporal variations of resources for modelling phytoplankton diversity.

Spruch, L. (2019 ) Biogeography, community assembly and biodiversity in dynamics landscapes

Mentges, A. (2018) Predicting dissolved organic carbon concentrations and molecular
diversity in the ocean using mathematical model simulations

Rackebrandt, S. (2016) Modelling the population dynamics of Antarctic krill : the timing of reproduction and the impact of climate change

Ritterskamp, D. (2015) Evolutionary Dynamics in Food Webs: Influence of Resources and Space

Do Anne-Ly (2011) Self-organization in continuous adaptive networks

Kölzsch, A. (2009) Large-scale biological transportation networks: cargo ship traffic and bird migration

Kotzur, S. (2009) Simulation der diurnalen und saisonalen Planktondynamik in Küstengewässern


Mersch, C. (2024)

Habedank, J. (2022) Modelling Optimal Lysogenic Strategies in Fluctuating Environments

Schucht, T. (2022) The impact of population density and urbanization on COVID-19 outbreak sizes - A conceptual modelling approach

Hammann, L.T. (2019), Master Environmental Modelling, Restauration, Allee effect, and spread and saltmarshes

Hammann, L.T. (2019), Master Mathematics, Marine reserves and optimal control of fisheries

Bahlburg, D. (2019) Stoichiometric dynamics in a simple aquatic food web. Implications for a changing Antarctic ecosystem

Hüske, K. (2018) Applications of Topological Data Analysis in Ecology

Kühn, B. (2018) An environmentally-driven stage-structured population model for temperate Aedine mosquitos

Spruch, L. (2015) Modelling phytoplankton and nutrient dynamics in the Wadden Sea

Mentges, A. (2014) A Mathematical Interpretation of Dissolved Organic Matter Molecular Composition in the Atlantic Ocean

Wanxuan Yao (2014) A statistical model for spatial food-webs

Syga, D. (2013) Climate change and global shipping: anticipated change of ship routes due to the opening of Arctic passages

Schoenmakers, S. (2013) Pool-punishment and opportunistic cooperation in voluntary and compulsory games. An evolutionary game theory mo

Rackebrandt, S. (2012) Modelling the effects of nutrient fluxes across the sediment- water interface of an intertidal flat - Sensitivity studies and budget estimates with the complex ecosystem model EcoTiM for the backbarrier area of Spiekeroog

Nickelsen, L. (2011) A model-based investigation of iron limitation of marine phytoplankton in High-Nutrient Low-Chlorophyll regions



Schuff, N. (2023) Kompasskurse und Schwarmverhalten

Rohde, T. (2023) Modelling the composition of bacterial communities representing distinct feeding modes: -selfish, sharing and scavenging strategy

Frey, S. (2023) Modelling Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) in the ocean

Eckhart, M. (2021, Uni Konstanz) Simulation und Validierung verschiedener Modellansaetze für Migrationswege von Fischlarven

Apelt, J. (2019) Modelling Spreading Processes in Complex Networks

Hövel, L. (2018) Ein ontogenetisches Modell der Pazifischen Auster in der Nordsee

Habermann, M. (2018) Modellierung des Einflusses unterschiedlicher Umweltbedingungen auf das Wachstum von Hydractinia echinata am Beispiel der Tempertaurabhängigkeit in einem in vitro Experiment

Schröder, M. (2017) Modellierung von Kompasskursen zur Tiernavigation auf großen Skalen

Waschkowitz, C. (2017) Investigating the global cargo ship network using a mathematical slime mold model

Berg L.-S. (2016) Netzwerkzeitreihenanalyse - eine Anwendung auf Ausbreitungsbedingungen im Kurzwellenfunk

Hüske, K. (2015) Modelling the invasion dynamics with growing immigration rates: a neutral theory based approach

Kaini Lei (2015) Modelling the effects of tides on the coexistence of vegetation and mussels

Vogel J. (2015) Modelling of invasions in allometric food webs

Hellwig, J. (2014) Modellierung der Populationsentwicklung in dynamischen Lebensräumen am Beispiel der Epiphytenvorkommen eines tropischen Tieflandregenwaldes

Ourinson, D. (2013) Regime shifts in spatially extended ecosystems

Steinert, O. (2012) Modellierung des Einflusses regionaler Ressourcenverteilung auf lokale Biodiversität in gekoppelten Habitaten: ein inselbiogeographischer Ansatz

Steinbrink, C. (2011) Mathematical Modeling and Statistical Analysis of Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data

Nickelsen, L. (2009) Development of a global marine bioinvasion model


Lorkowski, I. (2009) Comparison of two approaches to model multiple nutrient limitation of marine primary production

Bohlen, L. (2008) A Mathematical Model of Manganese Cycling in the Wadden Sea

Schmidt, K. (2008) Modellierung von ecosystem engineering als indirekte Wechselwirkung in ökologischen Gemeinschaften.

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