Benthic Microbiology


Prof. Dr. Martin Könneke


Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment  (» Postal address)

W 15-1-118 (» Adress and map)

Wednesday 11-12:00

+49 441 798-5360  (F&P

Benthic Microbiology

Welcome to the Benthic Microbiology Group

In our research group, the ecology and physiology of microorganisms in marine sediments are studied. To investigate identity, diversity and metabolic performance of benthic bacteria and archaea, we combine molecular biological methods with classical and novel cultivation approaches.






A new paper was published

Dennis Alexander Tebbe, Charlotte Gruender, Leon Dlugosch, Kertu Lõhmus, Sönke Rolfes, Martin Könneke, Yin Chen, Bert Engelen and Hendrik Schäfer (2023) Microbial drivers of DMSO reduction and DMS-dependent methanogenesis in saltmarsh sediments. The ISME Journal.


PhD candidate Dennis Tebbe will defend his dissertatio „Molecular ecology and trace-gas production in intertidal sediments” at the 08.12.2023.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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