Maker's Lab


Secretary's Office

Claudia Martsfeld

University of Oldenburg
Department of Computing Science
Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg

Tue/Thu/Fri 9am - 3pm

+49 (0) 441 - 97 22 201

+49 (0) 441 - 97 22 202


Prof. Dr. Susanne Boll

University of Oldenburg
Department of Computing Science
Media Informatics and Multimedia Systems
Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg

+49 (0) 441-9722 213

+49 (0) 441-9722 202


Tobias Lunte

University of Oldenburg
Department of Computing Science
Media Informatics and Multimedia Systems
Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg

By appointment

Maker's Lab

Designing interactive user interfaces with hardware and electronics

Module code inf131
Language of Instructions English
Target Group Master
Area Applied Computer Science
SWS 2 + 2
ECTS 6.0

Learning Goals

This course aims to provide a sample of some of the most recent and significant advances in this exciting area. Topics may include: situational awareness, designing for attention, ambient/peripheral interaction, computer support cooperative work and social computing (CSCW), ubiquitous and context-aware computing, haptic and gestural interaction, audio interaction, gaze-based interaction, biometric interfaces, and embedded, physical and tangible computing, mobile and wearable interfaces.

This course is explicitly not focused on the methods used in HCI practice (i.e., user-centered design cycle), but rather focuses on (recent) research.


The students

  • demonstrate a systematic understanding of knowledge and critical awareness of a selection of the recent research advances in the area of HCI
  • evaluate and critique recent developments in the field of HCI on scientific and technological grounds
  • develop ability to conceptualize, design, implement, and evaluate user-centered systems and techniques.
  • plan and implement exploratory projects directed at envisioning and prototyping novel interactive artifacts


The students

  • analyze, review and critique research papers
  • carry out original research from start to finish
  • summarize and present research findings
  • work in a team to produce and evaluate prototypes of novel interactive artifact


The students

  • work collaboratively in groups to analyze and review research papers
  • summarize and present research findings to rest of class
  • discuss how HCI concepts and methods can be applied in analysis, design, and evaluation of interactive technologies.
  • discuss social and ethical implications of interactive technologies


The students

  • are comfortable tackling original research questions
  • show aptitude in conceptualizing and running both qualitative and quantitative HCI experiments
  • acquire the ability to summarize, analyze, and critique published (peer-review) research papers


Registration for the module takes place in the first semester weeks via the learning management system Stud.IP. The students will receive detailed information on attendance, tasks and dates in the first course at the beginning of the semester as well as in the learning management system Stud.IP.

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