Sustainability in the city of Oldenburg
Sustainability in the city of Oldenburg
Oldenburg offers different possibilities to get information about environmental or sustainability topics or to engage in this field. Here is a list of some examples for initiatives in the environmental/sustainable field:
- Achtsamkeit in Oldenburg e. V. (Attentiveness in Oldenburg e.V.)
- ADFC Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad Club (General German Bicycle Association)
- Alhambra – Autonomous centre for action and communication
- Amnesty International Oldenburg
- Attac Oldenburg
- BINSE citizens' initiative for nature conservation and urban ecology in Oldenburg
- BUND Oldenburg
- Critical Mass Oldenburg: local group of a worldwide bicycle movement which stands for the promotion of bicycle traffic
- Fliegende Späne – wood workshop for women
- Food Coop Oldenburg
- Foodsharing e.V.: local group which acts against food waste
- Forum ecomobilform
- Forum St. Peter
- Freifeld Festival
- Greenpeace group Oldenburg
- IBIS Interkulturelle Arbeitsstelle e.V. (intercultural work)
- Klimaallianz Oldenburg: combination of various initiatives in Oldenburg on climate change
- Kostbar: sustainable shopping guide with vouchers for Oldenburg
- Kreativ:LABOR in der Kulturetage
- Kreativität trifft Technik e. V. (creativity meets technology)
- NABU Oldenburger Land e. V.
- Netzwerk Wachstumswende (degrowth network)
- Oldenburg Tauscht (Oldenburg exchanges)
- Oldenburger Tafel e. V.
- Olegeno – Energy cooperative in Oldenburg
- Polygenos Kulturräume eG (cultural space)
- Repair Café Oldenburg: repair instead of consume: monthly meetings where participants are invited to repair their broken things
- Rhythm of Resistance
- Schlaues Haus Oldenburg: events with regard to environmental topics
- Schnippeldisko Oldenburg
- Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Deutschland e.V.
- Slow Food Oldenburg: local group of a global movement which stands for everyone's access to food which ensures the well-being of the producers as well as the environment
- Solidarische Landwirtschaft Oldenburg (Community-supported agriculture)
- tARTort: young friends of the Horst-Janssen-Museum
- Tranfer e.V.
- Umwelthaus Oldenburg: location of many local groups and initiatives with environmental and sustainability references
- VCD – Verkehrsclub Deutschland Kreisverband Oldenburg Stadt und Land
- Vereinigung für Ökologische Ökonomie
- Viva con Agua Oldenburg
- VoKü Oldenburg
- Werkstatt Zukunft
- Wurzelwerk Oldenburg e. V.: Urban Gardening
*The list does not imply any claim to completeness. No liability is assumed for the design or contents of the linked sites. If there is missing an initiative, please contact the secretariat of Prof. Dr. Siebenhüner.