
This project is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Project-ID 352015383 – SFB 1330.

Section B - Algorithms

Section B - Algorithms

Section B deals with the programming and testing of algorithms for various applications:

Project B1 - The immersive hearing device

In current hearing device technology, the largest speech communication benefit in adverse listening conditions is typically achieved by directional filters. However, to utilize this benefit, hearing aid users may need to change their natural head motion behavior and loose the sense of immersion in the sound environment.

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Project B2 - Computational Auditory Scene Analysis algorithms for improving speech communication in complex acoustic environments

The long-term goal of this project is to achieve a breakthrough in the theoretical foundation and realization of auditory-inspired algorithms for analysing and processing speech in complex acoustic conditions, in order to fundamentally improve speech communication in these conditions for people with hearing difficulties.

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Project B3 - Hierarchical models of acoustic information processing and their appli-cation for source detection and enhancement

At the core of this project is the CRC’s acoustic communication loop, implemented as a hierarchy of consecutive processing layers, in which the sound field is transformed into an increasingly abstract and invariant („high-level“) representation. Subsequent to an active listening decision at the top-level, the counterpart to the subject's percept, the hierarchy is traversed in reverse („top-down“) direction.

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Finished projects

Project B4 - Models and algorithms for binaural hearing

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