
Student InfoLine

+49 (0)441 798-2728

Mo – Th  9:30 am to 4:00 pm
Fr             9:30 am to 12:00 noon

SSC InfoDesk

Student Service Centre – A12

Mo, Wed   9.30 am to 12.00 noon
Tu, Th        9.30 am to 16.30 pm
Fr               closed

Netiquette for requests by e-mail

For personal enquiries please have your student ID or application number ready on hand.

Student Service topics in the glossary

Any other questions?
The glossary provides you with an alphabetic overview of all relevant topics relating both to the Student Service and service centres at the University of Oldenburg.

Service from A - Z - currently only available in German

Frequently asked questions for the Admissions Office

Here are the answers to the questions we get asked the most.

Are there any missing questions and answers or have you found a mistake? Simply send us an email so that we can continue to improve this page.

The questions are divided into the following topics:

  1. Before applying
  2. After applying
  3. Enrolment and registration
  4. Questions about the Master’s degree
  5. Re-registration, de-registration, leave
  6. Changing subjects, dual degree, fees
  7. Changes to my personal details

1. Before applying

1.1 Who can apply for an undergraduate degree programme?

Anyone who has the relevant German university entrance qualification is eligible to study on an undergraduate degree programme.

The higher education entrance qualification (usually Abitur) allows access to all degree programmes.

The subject-related higher education entrance qualification is awarded by vocational schools (BOS). Students awarded the subject-related higher education entrance qualification are limited to degree programmes that are in line with the vocational school’s specialisation. Please carefully check the information on your certificate to see which degree programmes you are eligible for.

The advanced technical college certificate (Fachhochschulreife) qualifies students to study in the relevant subject area at universities.
In addition to the standard qualification, there are other forms of the advanced technical college certificate. These include, for example, the general advanced technical college certificate (allgemeine Fachhochschulreife) with an academic and a practical component. In this case, the practical component determines the relevant subject area to be studied at university.

Eligibility to study

Frequently asked questions on eligibility to study

Studying with a job

In many cases, it is also possible for applicants with prior vocational training to enrol in a degree programme.

In many cases, three years of vocational training plus three years of professional experience also entitles you to study.

Entrance examination

It is also possible to apply by sitting an entrance examination.

It is also possible to apply by sitting an entrance examination.

1.2 When can you apply?

All application deadlines can be viewed centrally, listed by the degree you are hoping to obtain. The last day specified constitutes the end of the application period.

Overview of all application deadlines

1.3 What are the application deadlines?

The application deadline is always the last day and thus the end of the specified application period (see 1.2).

Overview of all application deadlines

1.4 Which application portal should I use to apply for a Bachelor's degree programme?

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing the right application portal for you:

International university entrance qualification (outside Germany)

  • Applicants with an international university entrance qualification should apply via Uni-Assist.
  • When applying for a higher semester, you must also submit your application via the University of Oldenburg’s application portal.

University of Oldenburg's application portal

German university entrance qualification

Single-subject Bachelor’s degree, restricted admission, 1st semester:

  • Applicants for a restricted-admission single-subject Bachelor’s degree for the first semester should apply via Hochschulstart. In addition, the application must be submitted via the University of Oldenburg's application portal.

University of Oldenburg's application portal

Single-subject Bachelor's degree, open admission, 1st and higher semester
Dual-subject Bachelor’s degree, open admission and restricted admission, 1st and higher semeste

  • All other applications should be submitted exclusively via the University of Oldenburg's application portal.

University of Oldenburg's application portal

Please also note the additional information on the various application formalities and conditions as well as the relevant links to the application portals for the various degree programmes and degrees.

Application overview page

1.5 I applied on the deadline day (or the day before) and don’t live nearby. Can I drop off documents in person?

Documents can also be submitted in person.

Submitting forms and documents on time

To ensure that forms, applications, papers etc. are submitted on time, they must be handed in within InfoDesk office hours. Once office hours are over, all documents that still require a same-day receipt stamp must be put in the mailroom pigeonhole in Building V01 at Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118.
Please use the same pigeonhole for your post after the A12 building (SSC) has closed.

Map of Haarentor Campus

SSC Infodesk

You can also submit your documents in person to a member of staff in the Admissions Office during the SSC’s office hours in A12.

SSC office hours in A12 and A7

1.6 I would like to enrol on a degree programme with you but have already definitively failed an examination in a similar degree programme.

As a general rule, it is no longer possible to enrol on the same or similar degree programme.

If you have a clearance certificate, it may still be possible to enrol on the degree programme. Please always contact a member of staff in the Admissions Office before applying. An assessment must take place here, possibly in collaboration with the Examinations Office.

Admissions Office members of staff

1.7 Where can I find out what numerus clausus is applicable for my subject?

2. After applying

2.1 Will I get my application documents back?

The application documents are not given back.

Therefore, make sure not to submit any originals in the application, but instead only copies or, if required, certified copies.

2.2 I’ve submitted by documents but later noticed a mistake. What should I do?

You can contact the Admissions Office within the application period to correct your details.
To do this, please address the relevant department depending on your application:

Admissions Office

Once the application period has come to an end, you can no longer make any changes.

2.3 Where can I see what I still need to submit?

You can always find all important information on the status of your application or enrolment in the university’s application portal. You are therefore required to regularly check the portal for changes or requirements.

University of Oldenburg's application portal

2.4 Have my documents arrived?

Once your documents have reached the Admissions Office, the status of your application will change in the university’s application portal, see also item 2.3.
Regularly check there for changes or requirements so as not to miss any important deadlines.

University of Oldenburg's application portal

2.5 When will I find out if I have been given a place?

Notifications of admission and rejection will be made available in the application portal approximately two to four weeks after the application deadline.
Regularly check there for changes or requirements so as not to miss any important deadlines.

University of Oldenburg's application portal

2.6 How many applications can I submit?

Several applications can be made in the application portal.

However, only one application can be made for restricted-admission Bachelor's degree programmes:

  • either one application for a single-subject Bachelor’s degree
  • or one application for a dual-subject Bachelor’s degree.

applying for the first and a higher semester constitutes an exception here. In this case, an application for the first semester and an application for a higher semester can be submitted for the same degree programme.

3. Enrolment and registration

3.1 Why do I have to pay the semester contribution now? Am I properly enrolled? What does the enrolment application mean?

When you submit an enrolment application with the university, this means that you accept the admission offer and are therefore enrolling as a student at the University of Oldenburg. The semester contribution must be paid on time for this.

Further information on enrolment and registration

3.2 Where can I get my enrolment certificate?

You can create and print your enrolment certificate yourself at any time:

  • Stud.IP > Study data (in Stud.IP in the top right-hand corner next to Webmail) > Certificates > Enrolment Certificate

3.3 How can proof of language skills be provided?

Any proof of language proficiency must meet the requirements of the respective subject and the corresponding admissions regulations. You can find these on the website under the relevant degree programme. 

Degree programmes A-Z

For individual queries, please contact a member of the Admissions Office or speak directly to the relevant person at the institute. As a general rule of thumb, you should obtain written proof of your language skills.

Admissions Office members of staff

3.4 Can I drop off documents in person?

3.5 Do I have to use an express delivery company or courier to send the application?

This is up to you.

In principle, the specified application deadline applies for documents to be submitted. The university must have received the documents by then. The date on which the documents were posted is irrelevant; what counts is the date on which they are received by the university.

3.6 Can I provide my preferred name when I enrol (TIN*students - trans, inter and non-binary students) ?

The university’s application portal gives applicants the option to provide their chosen first name and gender in addition to their official personal information (including legal first name). A copy / uploaded version of the supplementary ID (“dgti-Ergänzungsausweis”) must be submitted with the complete enrolment application or the application documents.

An initial application to change your first name and gender can be made at any time by enclosing the dgti supplementary ID. Enrolled students can use the Stud.IP self-service area.

Name or gender changes

3.7 What does “granted deadline extension” mean?

Anyone who has missed or cannot meet the official deadlines has the option to make up for this if a deadline extension is granted.

Only the staff members of the Admissions Office can decide whether to grant a deadline extension.

3.8 I used to study at another university in Germany or am still registered there. What do I need to do?

Whether you are currently registered at another university has no bearing on the application.

What is important is that you are only enrolled at one university at the start of your degree. You must therefore apply to de-register in good time. If this is not possible or or you do not want to, you are simultaneously enrolled in multiple programmes. If this is the case, you must contact the Admissions Office in advance. You cannot be enrolled in multiple programmes in the same subjects.

If you are enrolled at two universities in Lower Saxony at the same time or enrol at a second university in Lower Saxony, you only pay the Studentenwerk contribution at one university. For re-registration at the second university, you must submit proof of payment or a certificate of enrolment from the first university with the note “Enrolled simultaneously at two universities in Lower Saxony”.

3.9 You can enrol in degree programmes that do not use numerus clausus up until shortly before the start of the semester. Is it an issue if there is not much time between applying and the start of the study / lecture period?

Although it is possible to enrol in open-admission programmes up until shortly before the start of the study period, it is recommended to apply earlier.

It takes time to complete the registration process and send all the important information to the applicants. This may delay the start of your studies if you apply last-minute.

3.10 How do I withdraw my enrolment application?

If you have applied for enrolment, you can revoke your enrolment within one month of the start of lectures.

  • You can find the refund of fees request in Stud.IP under Study data > My Studies > Requests. Please submit a refund of fees request stating the reason “withdrawal of enrolment”.

If you still do not have any login credentials for Stud.IP, send an email to:

Further information on withdrawal of enrolment

3.11 When will I receive my CampusCard?

A first card will be posted to you without further request.

In exceptional cases, you can also obtain your card directly from the Admissions Office. If you need a replacement card due to loss or damage, you will need to pay a fee of 15 euros.

You can request a replacement card in Stud.IP under the CampusCard menu item.  

Additional details about the CampusCard

3.12 Will I receive a new CampusCard every semester?

No, you will keep your CampusCard for the duration of your studies at the University of Oldenburg. In order to ensure that your CampusCard is valid for the relevant semester, you must validate the card yourself once you have successfully re-registered.

Additional details about the CampusCard

3.13 Where can I get certification of my higher education entrance qualification and what details does it have to contain?

As a rule, any public office which has an official seal can officially certify a document, for example: 

  • Municipal, city or district administrations
  • Schools
  • Police
  • Notaries
  • Churches under public law 

Certifications from the following bodies (even if they have an official seal) are not recognised

  • Health insurance providers
  • Banks
  • Associations
  • Welfare associations
  • Lawyers
  • Accountants
  • Auditors 

Officially certified copies must always contain the following: 

  1. A note certifying that the copy is identical with the original (note of authenticity)
  2. An original signature of the certifying person 
  3. An original official seal A stamp/address stamp is not sufficient. 

Scans/PDF files of certified documents are not sufficient. Similarly, a simple paper copy of an officially certified copy will not be accepted.

4. Questions about the Master’s degree

4.1 I’m still studying for my Bachelor’s degree and want to seamlessly transition to a Master's degree, but this means that I don’t yet have the required degree. What do I do?

You can apply for the Master’s programme in the first semester with 150 credit points. When applying, it is important to state that you do not yet have your Bachelor’s degree.

After admission to the Master's degree programme, you have until 01/04 (if applying for the winter semester) or until 01/10 (if applying for the summer semester) to provide documentary evidence of your Bachelor’s degree.

Theses – Frequently Asked Questions

4.2 I have received a conditional offer of admission to the Master's degree programme. What do I have to bear in mind?

If your admission is subject to requirements, you must ensure that you meet these by the specified deadline. You will be blocked from re-registering until the requirements have been met.

If you do not fulfil the requirements, you will be downgraded to Bachelor’s level. If you subsequently re-apply for the Master’s programme, this is only possible for a higher semester, as you were already enrolled on the programme.

Please pay the semester contribution in good time despite any block on re-registering.

4.3 Where can I find the numerus clausus lists for the Master’s degree programmes?

There are no numerus clausus lists for Master's degree programmes.

The relevant school's admissions committee will make decisions on admission to the degree programme.

4.4 When will I find out if I have been accepted?

The school's admissions committee will make decisions on admission to the degree programme. You will usually be notified of the outcome of your application in the application portal within 2 weeks of the admissions committee meeting.

Unfortunately, we cannot make any statements about your admission to the degree programme at this time. We will only be able to do this once you have completed the regular application procedure.

University of Oldenburg's application portal

5. Re-registration, de-registration, leave

5.1 What is a block on re-registering?

A block on re-registering prevents you from re-registering for the next semester.

The block is usually imposed on the basis of conditions or required evidence that must be fulfilled or provided by a certain date. Failure to meet the requirements can result in de-registration.

5.2 By when do I need to re-register?

The following re-registration periods apply:

  • 01 - 31 July for the following winter semester
  • 15 January to 15 February for the following summer semester

Please note the amount of the semester contributions.


Current semester contributions

If you want to request a leave of absence for the next semester, please do so during the re-registration period. Students on leave of absence only pay a reduced contribution.

Reduced semester contribution for students on leave of absence

5.3 The deadline for meeting my requirements is after the re-registration period. But I have a block on re-registration due to the requirements. How do I deal with this?

You have until the deadline to meet the requirements.

However, you must pay the semester contribution for re-registration on time during the re-registration period. Only then can you be re-registered after fulfilling your requirements.

Failure to meet the requirements can result in de-registration.

5.4 What happens if I miss my re-registration?

You will initially receive a reminder if you do not re-register within the re-registration period. You will be asked to pay the semester contribution within the specified reminder period (there are no reminder fees to pay at this point).

If you fail to do this on time, you will be de-registered at the end of the current semester.


5.5 Will I be reimbursed the semester contribution if I apply for de-registration?

The following conditions must be met in order to be reimbursed the semester contribution when de-registering:

  • You apply for de-registration before or within a month of the start of lectures and
  • You submit a refund of fees request stating the reason “reimbursement after de-registration” and
  • You hand in your CampusCard on time 


5.6 Will I receive a full refund of the long-term tuition fees I have paid?

Yes, as per the requirements laid out in 5.5.

5.7 I have completed my last examination. Do I have to or am I allowed to re-register? Can I keep my student status?

In principle, you do not have to be enrolled during the grading and issuing of the graduation documents. This occurs independently of de-registration. You only have to be enrolled during the examinations because you are not allowed to sit exams without student status.

However, it is recommended to re-register for the next semester. This is because if you do not pass your thesis or last examination, you have to be enrolled in order to re-sit them. It is therefore a good idea to remain registered until you receive your finals grades.

Examination results before the end of the respective semester

If your examination results were recorded by the Examinations Office before the end of the respective semester, you will be automatically de-registered by the Admissions Office at the beginning of the following semester with retroactive effect to the end of the semester in which the examination results were recorded.

You then have until one month after the start of lectures to reclaim the semester contribution you have paid. To do this, submit a refund of fees request via the study data via Stud.IP stating the reason “reimbursement after de-registration”. Please note that you also have to hand in your CampusCard in this case for your application to be processed.

It is not possible to reimburse the semester contribution either when the application has been received or the CampusCard has been handed in after the deadline!

Examination results after the start of the new semester

If your examination results are recorded by the Examinations Office after the start of the new semester but before the end of the one-month period following the start of lectures, you can apply for de-registration and reimbursement.

You will then be de-registered on a date of your choice (but within one month of the start of lectures), at the earliest on the very same day, but not retroactively. Here too, your application can only be processed if you hand in your CampusCard! If you do not submit an application, we will automatically de-register you at the end of the current semester.

Reimbursement is then no longer possible as you do not surrender your student status until the end of the semester.

5.8 Why do I have to hand in my CampusCard when de-registering or having my semester contribution reimbursed?

You have to hand in your Campus Card because you lose your student status when you de-register and are thus no longer entitled to use the semester ticket and other functions of the CampusCard.

You can use your CampusCard as long as you have student status. However, please note that if you have applied for de-registration in conjunction with a reimbursement request, you must hand in your CampusCard to the Admissions Office. Failure to do so means that your application will not be processed. Therefore please return it to us as quickly as possible. Please put your CampusCard in an envelope with a clear reference to de-registration and place it in the afterhours mailbox in front of Building V01 or send the CampusCard to our address.

If you still have credit on your CampusCard, you can have it refunded at the Studentenwerk up to one month after de-registration. This can be done at the tills in the cafeteria and in the cafes. 

CampusCard when de-registering

5.9 I would like to de-register but I’ve lost my CampusCard. What can I do?

If you have lost or misplaced your CampusCard, you have to request a new one for a fee, which you will then hand in to us. You can request a replacement card in Stud.IP under the “CampusCard” menu item.

CampusCard when de-registering

What happens if I’ve lost my CampusCard?

Please report the loss or theft of your CampusCard straight away:

  • by phoning the service desk +49 (0)441 - 798-5555 or
  • in Stud.IP with the Block CampusCard function under Profile > CampusCard

Request a new card, if necessary. You will be informed by email once the replacement card has been produced. If you have chosen to collect it in person at the Student Service Centre (SSC), please bring your ID or an appropriate authorisation for collection.

The previous card is then blocked for all systems.

Recovered cards that still work can be unblocked and used again as long as no replacement card has been issued.
The University of Oldenburg is not liable for the loss of the CampusCard. 

Defect or loss of the CampusCard

5.10 How do I de-register myself?

You can de-register online via Stud.IP.

To do this, go to ‘Study data’ (in the top right-hand corner next to ‘Webmail’) in Stud.IP. You will see ‘De-registration’ there, and this is where you can submit your application. You will be de-registered on the stated date of your choice (not retroactively and no earlier than the application date).


5.11 I only want to be de-registered from one degree programme. What do I have to do?

Apply for de-registration via Stud.IP and make a note in the comment section that it is partial de-registration. Please specify precisely from which degree programme you would like to be de-registered.


5.12 I’ve passed my finals, do I now have to de-register myself?

After completing your studies, we recommend that you de-register yourself.

If you have not paid the semester contribution for the next semester, you will not be automatically de-registered until the end of the current semester.


5.13 I would like to take a leave of absence. What do I need to do?

You can take a leave of absence of up to 3 semesters without giving a reason. If you would like to take a leave of absence beyond this limit, you must provide a justified reason, which you need to provide evidence for.

You must submit your application for a leave of absence to the Admissions Office at the latest within one month of the start of the lecture period. We recommend submitting your application during the re-registration period so that you do not receive any reminders and are not de-registered for not re-registering.

BAFöG recipients must inform the Studentenwerk of their leave of absence at the earliest possible opportunity. During the leave of absence, you may not attend classes or sit examinations. If you take an examination during your leave of absence, it will not be accredited. The examination is deemed not to have been completed! (Exception: examinations sat in another country may be accredited with the agreement of the Examining Board).

You cannot take a leave of absence while completing your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis as this is a form of assessment. An exception can only be granted upon request if examinations are taken during a period of study abroad. If you sit the last examination within one month of the start of the lecture period, you can de-register retroactively.

Leave of absence

Semester contributions and payment instructions

5.14 What do I have to bear in mind when applying for a leave of absence? Can I simply pay the contribution for a semester of leave instead of the full semester contribution?

You can take a leave of absence of up to 3 semesters without giving a reason. If you would like to take a leave of absence beyond this limit, you must provide a justified reason, which you need to provide evidence for.

If you submit your application during the re-registration period, you will pay the reduced semester contribution at the time of application. If you cannot apply for a leave of absence until after the re-registration period, please re-register in advance with the usual semester contribution in order to avoid being de-registered. Once your application for a leave of absence has been approved, your study account will be credited the difference. If you want to have the credit reimbursed or offset, please see item 5.16.

If you are on a leave of absence, you do not have to pay any long-term tuition fees, just the reduced semester contribution.

You are not allowed to sit any examinations during a semester of leave. Theses cannot be registered or submitted either.

It is best to apply for a leave of absence before the start of the semester, although this can also be done within one month of the start of the lecture period.

Justified reasons for more than three semesters of leave (for which evidence must be provided):

  • Illness
  • Maternity leave / pregnancy / parental leave
  • Stay abroad / internship
  • Study abroad / Erasmus

Leave of absence

Semester contributions and payment instructions

5.15 Can I re-register without a semester ticket if I don't need the ticket?

The semester ticket is part of re-registration.

It may be possible to have the semester ticket subsequently reimbursed by the Student Council (AStA). You can find all information on this from the Student Council (AStA).

AStA advice on reimbursement

5.16 I still have credit on my student account. How can I have it reimbursed or offset against the next semester?

Offsetting against the next semester

If you would like to have your credit allocated to the next semester, please write a short email to the Admissions Office (study organisation department). Unfortunately, the credit cannot be automatically allocated without emailing us.

Reimbursing the credit

You can request to have your credit reimbursed via your student account in Stud.IP:

  • Stud.IP under Study data > My Studies > Refund of fees request 

If none of the reasons for request apply, please select incorrect payment.

5.17 How can I see if my re-registration has been successful?

You can consult your ‘current student status’ in Stud.IP under Study data > My Studies > Student service at the top (centre).

You can also download your current enrolment certificate under ‘Certificates’ to check which semester you are currently re-registered for.

6. Changing subjects, dual degree, fees

6.1 I’m already enrolled at the University of Oldenburg. Can I apply for or enrol on another degree programme?

If a student studies two restricted-admission degree programmes at the University of Oldenburg at the same time, this is known as a dual degree.

According to the enrolment form, this requires “the approval of both relevant schools”, issued by the respective Dean’s Office. Students apply for this to the relevant Dean’s Office and should outline the useful addition to their degree programme.

Two open-admission degree programmes or one restricted-admission and one open-admission degree programme can be studied without any approval required.

Dual degree / Multiple enrolments

6.2 I would like to change subjects, what do I need to do?

Got to ‘Student application’ in Stud.IP ‘Student data’. You can submit a new application here.

If you would like to switch from a single-subject Bachelor’s degree to a dual-subject Bachelor’s degree (or vice versa), this involves a change of degree programme. In this case, you need to submit a new application just like you did for your initial application.

If you are studying for a dual-subject Bachelor’s degree and only want to change one of your two subjects, you need to submit an application for a dual-subject Bachelor’s degree. Select the new subject you would like to study. For the second subject, select ‘No second subject / subject change’ from the subject list. In the further course of the application, you will then be asked which subject you would like to keep.

Changing subjects, changing degree programmes or changing univeristies

6.3 Can you be exempted from paying the semester ticket?

If you would not like to use the semester ticket, you can request a refund from the Student Council (AStA). 

AStA advice on reimbursement

6.4 Under what circumstances are long-term tuition fees not charged? Can I be exempted?

As a rule, long-term tuition fees are charged from the 13th semester onwards.

Students enrolled on a consecutive Master’s degree programme who are within the standard period of study for a consecutive Master’s degree programme are entitled to study credit equal to the standard period of study. The number of previous semesters in the previous Bachelor’s degree programme is not taken into account.

As the standard period of study was adapted during the coronavirus pandemic for students enrolled at that time, the accrual of long-term tuition fees may vary accordingly.

Your study data shows how many semesters you have already been studying for and how many semesters the standard period of study is.

Exceptions to the payment obligation

The following circumstances may exempt you from the obligation to pay long-term tuition fees if the Admissions Office has been notified of these exceptions.
Students are exempt from the payment obligation if they

  1. are caring for a child within the meaning of Section 25.5 of the BAföG who is under the age of 14 at the start of the semester,
  2. are caring for a close relative in need of care according to an expert opinion of the medical service of the health insurance providers,
  3. are simultaneously enrolled in a joint degree programme at another university and are paying the long-term tuition fees there,
  4. are completing a period of study abroad as stipulated in the study regulations,
  5. are completing a placement semester as stipulated in the study regulations,
  6. are completing or following up the placement year in accordance with Section 1.2.1 in conjunction with Section 3.1.5 of the Licensing Regulations for Doctors.

Further details on long-term tuition fees

6.5 What are the requirements for part-time study?

Part-time study is possible in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes if the respective examination regulations provide for this.

An application for part-time study must be submitted on time by 31 July or 15 February (within the respective re-registration period). 

Part-time study

6.6 I’ve received a payment reminder even though I’ve already paid the semester contribution. What can I do?

If you have received a payment reminder even though you have already paid the semester contribution, this may have happened for one of the following reasons:

  • the payment reminder was sent out at the same time or before you made the payment
  • you may have made an error in your enrolment number when transferring the fee
  • technical error

If you receive a payment reminder in error, please contact the Admissions Office with evidence of your payment (bank statement or transfer confirmation) so that we can resolve this issue quickly.

Semester contributions and payment instructions

6.7 Which account do I transfer the semester contribution to and what do I put as the reason for payment?

You can find information regarding the bank details and reason for payment here:

Semester contributions and payment instructions

6.8 How do I know if my semester contribution has been processed correctly?

Go to ‘Study data’ in Stud.IP to see if your semester contribution has been processed.

6.9 How do I enrol as a guest student?

You can find a detailed description of how to register as a guest student on the website for the Centre for Lifelong Learning. 

Guest students

Registering as a guest student

7. Changes to my personal details

7.1 I’ve moved. How can I change my address?

You can change your address details directly in Stud.IP.

  • Stud.IP > Study data (in Stud.IP in the top right-hand corner next to Webmail) > Address details

The updated address will be available to Division 3: Student and Academic Affairs (Admissions Office, Examinations Office, International Student Office) and the library. Please make sure that you also inform other institutions of your change of address (City of Oldenburg, health insurance, BAföG etc.)

Change of address

7.2 How can I change my name?

You can request a change of name in Stud.IP under ‘Study data’ > ‘Change of personal details’.

Name or gender changes

7.3 Do I need to request and pay for a new CampusCard after changing my name?

The first CampusCard after a change of name is free.

Name or gender changes


7.4 I’ve changed health insurance providers. Do I have to declare this?

You should inform the Admissions Office if you have changed health insurance providers. Send a message to:

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