
Dorit Barz

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg

Tel.: 0441/ 798-4585

Scholarship recipients 2008

Wolfgang Schulenberg-Programme: Scholarship recipients in 2008

Ulf Gräwe
Faculty: V. Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jörg-Olaf Wolff
Conference: European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2008
Vienna, Austria
Grant: 300 €

Susanne Heinicke
Faculty: V Institute of Physics
Supervisor: Dr. Falk Rieß
Conference: Doktoranden-Tagung ESERA
York, UK
Grant: 300 €

Sarah Müller
Faculty: II. Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Karin Rebmann
Conference: Innovative and Creative Perspektives
Leuven, Belgium
Grant: 170 €

Thomas Pille
Faculty: IV. Institute of Sport Science
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Ahlkemeyer
Conference: 2008 Oxford Ethnography Conference
Oxford, UK
Grant: 280 €

Robert Pomarenke
Faculty: V. Institute of Physics
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Lienau
Conference: Near field optics 10
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Grant: 450 €

Ann-Christine Schulz
Faculty: II. Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alexander Nicolai
Conference: 24. EGOS Colloquium
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Grant: 200 €

Stephanie Schwarz
Faculty: V. School of Mathematics and Science
Supervisor: Dr. Oliver-David Finch
Conference: CONGRESS of Archanology
Bern, Switzerland
Grant: 250 €

Maren Sulimma
Faculty: II. Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Karin Rebmann
Conference: European Learning Styles Information Network
Gent, Belgium
Grant: 250 €

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