
Dorit Barz

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg

Tel.: 0441/ 798-4585

Scholarship recipients 2014

Wolfgang Schulenberg-Programme: Scholarship recipients in 2014

Markus Bartolomedi
Faculty: II. School of Computing Science, Business Administration, Economics and Law
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer
Conference: 14th IAEE European Energy Conference
Rome, Italy
Grant: 300 €

Anja Günther
Faculty: V. Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen
Conference: Gordon Research Conference Bioelectrochemistry
Biddeford, USA
Grant: 400 €

Hendrik Heißelmann
Faculty: V. School of Mathematics and Science
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Joachim Peinke
Conference: 67th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society - Devision of Fluid Dynamics
San Francisco, USA
Grant: 300 €

Ivan Herraez Hernandez
Faculty: V. School of Mathematics and Science
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Joachim Peinke
Conference: MexNext IEA Task 29 Meeting
Mianyang, China
Grant: 300 €

Lars Holinde
Faculty: V. School of Mathematics and Science
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Oliver Zielinski
Conference: Ocean Optics XXII
Portland, Maine, USA
Grant: 100 €

Nies Reininghaus
Faculty: V. Institute of Physics
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Carsten Agert
Conference: Photovoltaic Technical Conference
Aix en Provence, France
Grant: 280 €

Henning Schepker
Faculty: VI. Department of Medical Physics and Acoustics
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Simon Boclo
Conference: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
Florence, Italy
Grant: 280 €

Cordula Walder
Faculty: V. Institute of Physics
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Carsten Agert
Conference: Photovoltaic Technical Conference
Aix en Provence, France
Grant: 280 €

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