Scholarship recipients 2020


Dorit Barz

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg

Tel.: 0441/ 798-4585

Scholarship recipients 2020

Wolfgang Schulenberg Programme: Scholarship recipients in 2020

1st application round

Christine Prokop

Fak. I
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Markus Tepe
Congres: European Political Science Association, Annual Conference
Place: Belfast, North Ireland
Grand amount: 225 € 

Andreas Filser

Fak. I
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schnettler
Congres: ASA 114th Annual Meeting (Jahrestagung der US-amerikanischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie)      Place: New York, USA
Grand amound: 200 € 

2nd application round

Nina Tsydenova

Fak. II
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhüner
Congres: International Solid Waste Association World Congress 2019
Place: Bilbao, Spain
Grand amount: 350 € 

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