IT for Green
IT for Green aims at increasing the environmental friendliness of companies and their processes by means of IT. In this context, Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems (CEMIS) are an indispensable tool. Conventional CEMIS, however, are not sufficient to achieve this objective, for they serve the sole purpose of ensuring legal compliance with relevant environmental laws and regulations, mainly in order to avoid financial sanctions from state authorities. With such a strong operational focus the requirements entailed by the concept of sustainable development can only be fulfilled to a very limited degree. Companies achieve profits by applying sustainable development measures and by implementing CEMIS 2.0: they reduce costs through material and energy efficiency and increase their turnovers through sustainable products and services, corporate image and reputation improvement and advantages in competition.
The European Research and Transfer Network for Environmental Management Information Systems bundles expertise in the field of Corporate Environmental Management, hence facilitates a bi-directional knowledge transfer between practitioners and scientists. ertemis integrates the disciplines of Information Systems, Business Administration, Environmental Management, Ecology, Economics and Computing Science. The network’s objective is to support partners from industry in tackling new challenges of Environmental Management.
The participating higher education institutions provide the network with expert knowledge and state-of-the-art research results. Companies are invited to bring in their practical know-how on tools and methods of Environmental Management, on the latest environmental technologies or on the impact of recycling on company-internal operational processes. Our partners from industry contribute practical expertise on business processes and products in the field of Environmental Management. Thus, the network benefits from extensive first-hand knowledge on organization and process consulting.
The network consists of the following persons:
- Prof. Dr. Burkhardt Funk, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Möller, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
- Prof. Dr. Peter Niemeyer, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
- Prof. Dr. Frank Teuteberg, Universität Osnabrück
- Prof. Dr. Jorge Marx Gómez, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg