IfB Research Cooperation
The IfB research cooperation takes place between the Department of Business Informatics/VLBA at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg and the IFB Institut für Baubetreuung AG.
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) methods, which have meanwhile been proven in practice, is to support IFB Institut für Baubetreuung AG. The main content is the identification of potentials as well as the implementation possibilities for future issues in the field of real estate, hygienic or disinfection means of drinking water treatment as well as the control of labor migration.
To proceed, three main topic areas "German Jobs", "Disinfectants" and "Real Estate" are divided, which build on each other in this order in the course of the project. Starting with the "German Jobs", a platform is to be developed to facilitate positions to be filled for workers from abroad. This control process will be implemented in compliance with the applicable data protection laws.
Start of the project
Cooperation partners
IfB (Institut für Baubetreuung) AG
Contact persons